;; contact. De Golden Retriever gaat meestal goed om met kinderen en is erg tolerant. Golden retrievers are well suited to residency in suburban or country environments. Golden retrievers (de naam betekent gouden terugbrenger) hebben een "zachte beet" waardoor ze het wild kunnen apporteren zonder het te beschadigen. May be Stubborn. Its excellent swimming ability makes it proficient at dock jumping. De Golden Retriever kan tot de grote honden worden gerekend. Retrieving from both land and water was necessary because the hunting grounds of the time were pocketed with marshy ponds and rivers. GOSIG GOLDEN Pluchen speelgoed, hond, golden retriever, 40 cm. Typical Golden Retrievers are active and fun-loving animals with the exceptionally patient demeanour befitting a dog bred to sit quietly for hours in a hunting blind. [23], The original cross was of a yellow-coloured retriever, 'Nous', with a Tweed Water Spaniel female dog, 'Belle'. A natural retrieving ability means it is also competitive in flyball and field trials. 38 – 45 cm. Peso: Altezza al garresse: Circonferenza del collo: Lunghezza della schiena: Circonferenza del torace: 27 – 37 kg. The breed's friendly, gentle temperament means it is unsuited to being a professional guard dog, but its temperament has also made it the third-most popular family dog breed (by registration) in the United States,[6] and the eighth-most popular in the United Kingdom. [13] The skull is broader and the forequarters are more muscular than in other types. ! Golden Retriever. De Golden Retriever is graag actief bezig, maar zijn bewegingsbehoefte is niet heel groot. Grazie al suo carattere equilibrato e alla sua capacità di adattamento, è molto amato soprattutto come cane da famiglia. Golden Retrievers should not be fed a kibble diet, as this can cause (or worsen) skin disorders and allergies, which are all too common. In July 2006, the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland organized a gathering of Golden Retriever enthusiasts at the ancestral home, Guisachan House. Disprezzano moderatamente la maggior parte dell’anno e pesantemente in primavera e in autunno. Testa Proporzionata e ben modellata. Shop Golden Retriever products including flags, signs, clothing. 50 – 55 cm. [17] The American standard also makes requirements about the proportion, substance, head and skull, neck, body, topline, forequarters, and hindquarters; in these respects, the American-type Retriever is the same as Golden Retrievers that conform to other national standards. Wachtwoord vergeten? [4] They are not "one-man dogs" and are generally equally amiable with both strangers and those familiar to them. The Golden Retriever was originally bred in Scotland in the mid-19th century.[3][5]. In addition, they are trained to be a hunting dog, a detection dog, and a search and rescue participant. [16] The Kennel Club (UK) also permits cream as an acceptable coat colour. Il Golden Retriever ha un mantello idrorepellente, con pelo ondulato o liscio e in varie tonalità dall’oro al crema. Het beschermingsinstinct van dit ras is nauwelijks ontwikkeld. [14] As a Golden grows older, its coat can become darker or lighter, along with a noticeable whitening of the fur on and around the muzzle. One key difference is the much shorter hair of the Yellow Lab. De Golden Retriever Vereniging is een door de Raad van Beheer erkende rasvereniging in Nederland. 45 – 53 cm. The temperament of the Golden Retriever is a hallmark of the breed, and is described in the standard as "kindly, friendly and confident". Puppies should eat about three cups of food a day and adults three to five cups, depending on the food and how active the dog is. [15] Golden retrievers have muscular bodies with great endurance, owing to their origins as hunting and gundogs. leggi tutto Cosa fare se il mio Golden Retriever non mangia ma si … "2004 Purebred Dog Health Survey for Golden Retrievers", "Longevity and mortality of owned dogs in England", "Bleeding Disorders in Golden Retrievers", Golden Retrievers Go ‘Home’ for Gathering in Scottish Highlands. A intervalli regolari andrà dato un premio. The Golden's coat can also be mahogany, referred to as "redhead", although this is not accepted in the British show ring. Bekijk onze golden retriever sweatshirt selectie voor de allerbeste unieke of custom handgemaakte items uit onze kleding shops. The cofounders of the GRCO were Cliff Drysdale, an Englishman who had brought over an English Golden, and Jutta Baker, daughter-in-law of Louis Baker, who owned Northland Kennels. De golden retriever is een sociaal dier en van nature vriendelijk en open. Als een golden retriever niet genoeg interessante spelletjes en beweging krijgt zal de hond al snel probleemgedrag gaan vertonen. Se chiudi questo banner o prosegui con la navigazione ne accetti l'utilizzo. "Golden Retrievers" by Brekka Hervey Larrew, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, "A Complete Introduction to Golden Retrievers", by Kerry V. Donnelly, p. 14, "The guide to owning a golden retriever", by Joanne P. Huxley, p. 2, Dudley Marjoribanks, 1st Baron Tweedmouth, "Conheça as 10 raças de cães preferidas entre os brasileiros", "Top twenty breeds in registration order for the years 2008 and 2009", "Breed information centre – Retriever (Golden)". Age: 11 Weeks Old Breed: Golden Retriever Vet Checked: YES (Current On Shot). [17][23] The typical Golden Retriever is calm, naturally intelligent and biddable, and with an exceptional eagerness to please. GOSIG GOLDEN Peluche, cane giallo, golden retriever, 40 cm. Labradors zijn sociaal en speels, terwijl Golden Retrievers over het algemeen vrij ‘beleefd’ zijn wanneer ze volwassenen, kinderen en andere honden ontmoeten. Salute del Golden Retriever. Pups comes with health records, pedigree, 3 registrations, collar, leash, blanket, chew … Huisdieren (honden) - golden retriever kennel Fan'e Gouden Iik. Cuccioli golden retriever in vendita in animali: scopri subito migliaia di annunci di privati e aziende e trova quello che cerchi su Golden Retrievers are known to have genetic disorders and other diseases. [31][32] Eye diseases are also possible in the breed; cataracts are the most common eye disease,[31] but they can also be afflicted with progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma, distichiasis,[33] entropion,[33] corneal dystrophy,[33] and retinal dysplasia. The Golden Retriever was active and powerful and had a gentle mouth for retrieving games while on hunts. Maar ook de Golden wordt dit, in tegenstelling tot wat er wel eens gedacht wordt, niet vanzelf! Il Golden retriever è un cane da riporto di taglia media a pelo lungo e idrorepellente, di origine scozzese.. Diffuso sia in Europa sia in Nord America, si differenzia in due tipi: britannico e americano. As with American lines, white is an unacceptable colour in the show ring. They can cause pain and discomfort and if left too long will get more matted. Golden Retrievers vary in colour, with a fair-haired dog shown here beside a mahogany one, The coat is "rich, lustrous golden of various shades". [18], As indicated by their name, their coats occur in light golden to dark golden colours. [28] They can also suffer from seborrhoea, sebaceous adenitis, self-inflicted lick granuloma, and haemophilia.[34]. Golden Retriever americano vs inglese (britannico) Il Golden Retriever è un cane adorabile, amante del divertimento e leale. [19] This breed is also used in water rescue/lifesaving, along with the Leonberger, Newfoundland and Labrador Retriever dogs[citation needed], The Golden Retriever was originally bred in Scotland in the mid-19th century. Gebruikersnaam. I golden retriever presidenziali comprendono quelli di proprietà di Gerald R. Ford e Ronald Reagan. Consequently, the best water spaniels were crossed with the existing retrievers, resulting in the establishment of the breed today known as the Golden Retriever. Muso: possente, largo e alto: Lunghezza del muso più o meno pari a quella fra lo stop e l’occipite. the fifth-most popular in Brazil[7] and Australia,[8] Il manto del Golden Retriever non sarà corto e fitto, finché non arriverai ad accorciarlo a una certa lunghezza. Il vostro cane trema? When trotting, they have a free, smooth, powerful, and well-coordinated gait; as the dog runs, its feet converge towards the center of the line of balance. Zo houdt hij niet van schreeuwende baasjes of mensen om hem heen. "Golden Retrievers: Born to Swim | PEDIGREE®". [3][5] At that time, wildfowl hunting was a popular sport for the wealthy Scottish elite, but the existing retriever breeds were inadequate for retrieving downed game from both water and land. Dopo quello umano anche il DNA canino è stato mappato e già da qualche anno NHGRI (National Human Genome Research Institute) sta eseguendo ricerche comparative sul sequenz. Als dierenarts en verpleegkundige zit het “zorgen voor” al in onze vingers. I maschi raggiungono un’altezza di circa 58-62 cm e un peso di circa 29-32 kg. Hij wilde ook een hond met een liefde voor water en de mogelijkheid om geschoten wild op te halen. Proprio come noi, nessun cane è lo stesso. [19] It usually lies flat against the belly. We hope you enjoyed this video. Golden Retriever Temperament and Personality. Originally, cream was an unacceptable colour in the UK standard, but the standard was revised in 1936 to include cream. American breeders of Golden Retrievers sometimes import their dogs from Britain to take advantage of the temperament and appearance of the British types. Eager to Please. They will work until they collapse, so care should be taken to avoid overworking them. Hip dysplasia is common in the breed; when buying a puppy, the pedigree should be known and be examined by the OFA or by PennHIP for hip disease. Il Golden Retriever è considerato un cane socievole, vivace e allo stesso tempo mansueto. De man die verantwoordelijk is voor dit illustere ras, de Heer Tweedmouth, wilde een hond die loyaal was, vriendelijk, temperamentvol en energiek. They also need to have their ears cleaned regularly, or ear infections might occur. Golden retrievers have an instinctive love of water, and are easy to train to basic or advanced obedience standards. Il Golden Retriever è un cane di taglia medio grande, di struttura simmetrica, armonioso, proporzionato e robusto.. La sua espressione è mite e gioiosa al tempo stesso; l'aspetto è elegante, anche per merito del suo lungo pelo dorato, lucente e arricchito da eleganti frange. Peso: Altezza al garresse: Circonferenza del collo: People also like them because their face looks like they are smiling all the time. [9] Golden Retrievers are rarely choosy eaters, but require ample (two or more hours a day) exercise. Golden Retriever x Labrador: de speelse maar beleefde Labrador Retriever Wanneer je een Labrador kruist met een golden retriever, krijg je het beste van beide rassen. The Golden Retriever Club of America, National Health Survey: 1998–1999 (PDF). Door hun intelligentie zijn ze heel geschikt als geleide- of hulphond. [36] The Golden Retriever was first developed near Glen Affric in Scotland, at "Guisachan", the highland estate of Dudley Marjoribanks, 1st Baron Tweedmouth. Because of this improvement in firearms, a need for a specialist retriever arose, as training setter and pointer breeds in retrievals was found to be ineffective. Golden retrievers have a life span of 10-12 years. Temperamento Addestrabile, intelligente, con una naturale predisposizione al lavoro; è un cane gentile, amichevole e sicuro di sé. Collare alto in pelle blu con borchie Pyramid, Made in Italy, Collare alto in pelle nera con borchie Pyramid , Made in Italy, Collare con borchie Bone in pelle nera, Made in Italy. Full reg is additional. La lunghezza del pelo può variare. Acceptable or expected weights are not specified in the UK standard, but the Kennel Club standard calls for a level topline and straight hindquarters without the slight rear angulation found in American lines.[14][15]. Severe shedding resulting in bald patches can be indicative of stress or sickness. Therefore, "pure white" and "red" are unacceptable, as is black. Golden Retrievers were first accepted for registration by The Kennel Club in 1903, as Flat Coats – Golden. [21] This leaves the outer ranges of coat colour up to a judge's discretion when competing in conformation shows. These are the first records of the breed in these two countries. Je zachte, pluizige vriendje volgt je overal en heeft altijd zin om te spelen. The Golden Retriever is popular as a disability assistance dog, such as being a guide dog for the blind and a hearing dog for the deaf. 0511-468018. 51 – 61 cm. The breed ranks fourth in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs – following the Border Collie, Poodle, and German Shepherd – as one of the brightest dogs ranked by obedience-command trainability. Golden Retrievers zijn de belichaming van schoonheid en hersenen. Miniatuur Golden retrievers zijn geen lid van de kennel Clubs, maar een bepaalde mix ervan wordt herkend door de Designer Dogs ‘Kennel Club, namelijk de Golden retriever x Golden doodle. De Golden Retriever is tevens intelligent, zachtaardig, actief maar ook een gevoelige hond. Their coats are darker in colour and occur in various shades of lustrous gold with moderate feathering. del Golden Retriever e del Cocker Spaniel Inglese telefonate per appuntamento al 340/4715373 Home News Golden Retriever > > Cocker Spaniel Inglese ... Mano a mano occorrerà spostarsi e carezzare le orecchie, la coda, le zampe in tutta la loro lunghezza. In fondo è lo stesso cane, ma col pelo lungo”… gli consiglio di parlare a lungo con allevatori e proprietari delle due razze. La sua altezza al garrese oscilla fra i 51 e i 61 cm e il peso fra i 27 e i 37 kg e, come le femmine Labrador, anche le femmine Golden sono più piccole e pesano meno dei maschi. 36 – 38 cm. [33], They may suffer from heart disease, especially subvalvular aortic stenosis,[31] and cardiomyopathy and joint diseases, including patella luxation, osteochondritis, panosteitis, and cruciate ligament rupture. Quando tagli il pelo, concentrati maggiormente sulle aree arruffate e disordinate, invece di tagliare rispettando una lunghezza particolare. Il Golden Retriever è leggermente più alto e snello rispetto al Labrador, anche se la lunghezza del pelo può creare un'illusione ottica contraria. Golden Retrievers zijn zachter van aard dan de labrador Retrievers. Qopyright No Hills. Golden Retrievers are a very popular kind of dog.When the breed was first created, they were used for hunting.Now, they are sometimes used for hunting, but a lot of people like to have them as pets because they are very friendly. The topcoat is water-resistant and slightly wavy, and sheds in small amounts throughout the year. Controlla la tua posta in entrata o la cartella spam adesso per confermare la tua iscrizione. A photograph taken by photographer Lynn Kipps to commemorate the occasion captured 188 Golden Retrievers, and so holds the record for the most Golden Retrievers in one image. [42][full citation needed] According to the purebred dog guide recognized by the American Kennel Club, Golden Retrievers are judged based on a variety of traits: colour, coat, ears, feet, nose, body, etc.[43]. In 1938, the Golden Retriever Club of America was founded. Abbiamo fornito una linea guida per la scelta della dimensione del collare in base alla razza del cane.La guida dovrebbe aiutarti a scegliere il collare più adatto al tuo cane, ma ti consigliamo di prendere le dovute misure al … [4] They shed copiously, particularly at the change of seasons, and require fairly regular grooming. La toelettatura del Golden Retriever è molto importante per mantenere pulito e sano il pelo del nostro cane. partner sites. In 1868, this cross produced a litter that included four pups; these four became the basis of a breeding program which included the Irish Setter, the sandy-coloured Bloodhound, the St. John's water dog of Newfoundland, and two more wavy-coated black retrievers. The undercoat is soft and keeps the retriever cool in summer and warm in winter; it sheds in the spring and fall. Verantwoordelijke fokkers zijn duidelijk toegewijd om te werken aan de erkenning van het ras en de handhaving van de beste fokpraktijken voor mini Golden retrievers. L’obiettivo era conquistare degli esemplari con un eccezionale fiuto, dei perfetti cani da riporto a terra e in acqua. Als het tijd is om even te ontspannen, vindt hij het heerlijk om te worden geknuffeld en naast je op de bank te liggen. Golden Retriever Extended Breed Standard: Origin of the Breed. Il Golden Retriever è un cane armonico, attivo, potente, ben compatto nella sua andatura, di costituzione forte, con una espressione dolce. De familiekennel. Le patologie ereditarie nel Golden Retriever . twitter; linkedin [16] The British Kennel Club standard is used in all countries except the US and Canada. See the amazing love between a dog and a kitten! They are a long-coated breed, with a dense inner coat that provides them with adequate warmth in the outdoors, and an outer coat that lies flat against their bodies and repels water. Golden Retrievers are also noted for their intelligence. Vondelstraat 154; 1054 GT Amsterdam + 31 (0) 20 379 11 01;; volg ons. While shedding is unavoidable, frequent grooming (daily to weekly) lessens the amount of hair shed by the animal. Lunghezza della schiena: Circonferenza del torace: 6,5 – 9 kg. The Golden Retriever is a medium-large gun dog that was bred to retrieve shot waterfowl, such as ducks and upland game birds, during hunting and shooting parties. Door zijn intelligentie en leergierigheid is hij goed op te voeden. Golden Retriever T-shirts bij Spreadshirt Unieke designs 30 dagen recht van teruggave Nu Golden Retriever T-shirts online bestellen! Golden Retrievers are ranked number two for American Kennel Club Registrations. Dit, gecombineerd met de liefde voor honden, die wij beiden al ons hele leven hebben, zorgt dit voor een ideale mix om onze passie samen verder uit te bouwen. Typisch bij Golden Retrievers is dat ze als pup vrij ongedisciplineerd zijn en op alles willen kauwen. [19], Cancer is the breed's biggest killer, causing 61.4% of American Golden deaths according to a 1998 health study conducted by the Golden Retriever Club of America. [4][full citation needed]. Graag stellen we ons even voor: wij zijn David en Kathleen. Kira (2019), a female English Golden Retriever that became a hero and an instant global sensation, when on her own accord she twice assisted her owner in breaking through ice and rescuing two dogs separately stranded in a frozen lake, rounding up each animal and guiding them safely to shore. [41], It took another 14 years for the breed to be recognized in America, and in 1925, the American Kennel Club did so. Testa Proporzionata e ben modellata. [14] Judges may also disallow Goldens with pink noses, or those lacking pigment. [24] Any form of unprovoked aggression or hostility towards either people, dogs or other animals, whether in the show ring or community, is considered unacceptable in a Golden Retriever and is not in keeping with the character of the breed, nor should a Golden Retriever be unduly timid or nervous. They were first exhibited in 1908, and in 1911 were recognized as a breed referred to as Retriever (Golden and Yellow). Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili per migliorare la tua esperienza di acquisto, per fornire i nostri servizi, per capire come i nostri clienti li utilizzano in modo da poterli migliorare e per visualizzare annunci pubblicitari. This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 19:54. Obesity is also common in the breed because Golden Retrievers love to eat. Che hanno in comune il fatto di essere entrambi retriever, questo sì: ma non hanno praticamente altro. Il corretto rapporto di lunghezza fra corpo e altezza è 12:11. Welkom op onze site! Caratteristiche: “Docile ed intelligente, con forte predisposizione al lavoro. Il Golden Retriever è un trottatore, la sua costruzione è inscritta nel rettangolo, cioè la lunghezza del tronco è superiore dell’altezza al garrese. Golden Retrievers require regular grooming and occasional baths. Cranio Largo senza essere pesante. Eindelijk is er weer een nieuw en actueel boek over de Golden Retriever op de markt! [10] The breed is fond of play but also highly trainable. In Italia lo standard di questa razza è definito in modo unico ed è registrato come numero FCI Standard N°111 / 28.10.2009, pertanto è consentito anche l’accoppiamento tra le due linee. Il temperamento del Golden Retriever è un tratto distintivo della razza ed è descritto nella norma come “gentile, amichevole e sicuro di sé”. Laat jouw golden retriever een deel uit maken van jouw leven en plan genoeg tijd in voor zijn lichamelijke en mentale bezigheid. Males stand 23 and 24 in (58 and 61 cm) in height at withers; and females 21.5 to 22.5 in (55 to 57 cm). retriever media informatie. Puppy’s van deze rassen moeten een niet al te energierijke voeding gegeven worden, zodat ze niet te snel groeien. [14] Golden Retrievers make good family pets, particularly as they are patient with children. Their long hair also gets knotted up under the ears and longer hairs on their belly and legs if not groomed, these dreads can be cut out with scissors with slow rapid cuts. [5], The first three dogs ever to achieve the AKC Obedience Champion title were Golden Retrievers; the first of the three was a female named 'Ch. Greyhound. American and the British Golden Retrievers – the same breed? De vacht is lang en de kleur varieert van licht crème kleurig tot mahonie. Golden Retriever gift items for dog lovers. Marjoribanks had purchased Nous in 1865 from an unregistered litter of otherwise black wavy-coated retriever pups. Golden retriever – Een golden retriever is een middelgrote hond met een gespierde bouw en relatief korte poten. Read more about Golden Retriever Health. The eyes are round and dark, which is in contrast to the triangular or slanted composition of their American counterparts. Shipping: Available Additional Information: Health guarantee. The bloodline was also inbred and selected for trueness to Marjoribanks' idea of the ultimate hunting dog. They are particularly valued for their high level of sociability towards people, calmness, and willingness to learn. Golden retrievers zijn erg aanhankelijke honden die een vaste plaats binnen het gezin nodig hebben. However, all Golden Retrievers are blonde, yellow, or gold in colour, and all subtypes are susceptible to the same health problems. [11] As a dog with origins in pedigree breeding, and owing to its widespread historical popularity, some regional variations have emerged in the breed; therefore, the three subtypes of the Golden Retriever reflect the typical variations in dimensions and coat. Frans Jansen en Sietske van der Bij, de iik 12, 9251 NS Burgum tel. Golden Retrievers are compatible with other dogs, cats, and most livestock. Il temperamento del Golden Retriever è un tratto distintivo della razza ed è descritto nella norma come “gentile, amichevole e sicuro di sé”. [40] The Tweed Water Spaniel is now extinct, but was then common in the border country. Acquista online da un'ampia selezione nel negozio Abbigliamento. Because of this, they are commonly used as guide dogs, mobility assistance dogs, and search and rescue dogs. A meno che non faccia la pipi per terra o non mangi le tue scarpe. Addestrare il tuo golden retriever sin dalla giovane età ti aiuterà a creare un legame forte tra te e il tuo amico peloso, ti aiuterà a mantenere il cane (e i … Le origini del Golden Retriever sono relativamente recenti, ed a riguardo si dispone di notizie piuttosto precise e definite. 85 – 95 cm. Golden Retrievers are outgoing, loyal, and eager to do your bidding, which makes them very easy to train. He craves affection … Dit bijzonder mooie boek is samengesteld en geschreven door Cindy Schwering, die inmiddels meerdere succesvolle dierenboeken op haar naam heeft staan. Login aanvragen Inloggen via SURFconext. Remarks at a Dinner Honoring William W. Scranton in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Monty Don thanks fan for support after his dog Nigel's death", "Man And His Dog Leap Into Water To Save Pups Trapped In Icy Lake", "Shirtless man and his dog saves two dogs in an icy reservoir", "New York Man And His Golden Retriever Rescue 2 Dogs From Icy Lake",, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with incomplete citations from April 2019, Articles with incomplete citations from May 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A female Golden Retriever named Goldie appeared on the UK. Het vriendelijke en meegaande karakter, de zachtaardige uitstraling en niet in het minst het aantrekkelijke uiterlijk en de werkcapaciteiten zijn eigenschappen die de vele liefhebbers weten te waarderen. Cranio Largo senza essere pesante. The Canadian Golden Retriever has a thinner and darker coat and stands taller than other types. Golden Retriever is geschikt voor. gezondheid, showresultaten en informatie over fokkers, pups en kennels. The hallmark of the Golden is his kind, gentle, eager-to-please nature. Golden retrievers zijn doorgaans vriendelijk of neutraal naar onbekenden, en ook met andere honden kunnen ze vaak goed overweg. Il Golden Retriever vive mediamente tra gli 11 e i 12 anni, ma se trattato bene e si assume un comportamento responsabile verso lo stesso, portandolo a visita regolarmente, soprattutto i primi anni di vita, può raggiungere un’età di 15 anni. The Honourable Archie Marjoribanks took a Golden Retriever to Canada in 1881, and registered "Lady" with the AKC in 1894. Welkom op Golden Retrievers van 't Engels veld! Le femmine sono alte circa 53-55 cm e pesano circa 25-29 kg. The coat is generally lighter in colour than in the American types. 45 – 53 cm. The video of the rescue went viral and gained over 100 million views in just under one week. The muzzle is balanced and well chiseled. Ben je op zoek naar een pup van het ras Golden Retriever of wil je graag een hond een tweede kans geven? Temperamento dolce e fiducioso”. De Golden Retriever Vereniging is een door de Raad van Beheer erkende rasvereniging in Nederland. Utilizziamo i cookie per essere sicuri che tu possa avere la migliore esperienza sul nostro sito. Ask anyone about the defining characteristic of the Golden Retriever, and the answer you will always get is temperament. 40 – 45 cm. PREMESSA: se qualcuno stesse pensando: “Vabbe’, ma avevi già fatto il “vero standard” del Labrador: perché anche il Golden? La razza fu selezionata durante la seconda meta' del diciannovesimo secolo in Gran Bretagna, da parte di Lord Tweedmouth, nobile appartenente ad un'antica famiglia scozzese. Il loro mantello fluente è impermeabile all'acqua e si presenta in varie tonalità di oro, dal crema chiaro ai toni del rosso. Trainability. German Junior Ch. Il Golden Retriever è un cane di medie dimensioni, ben equilibrato con un caratteristico mantello color oro, piccoli, orecchie pendenti, e una coda naturale con una leggera curva verso l'alto. Links en Informatie over Golden Retrievers in Nederland, links naar Golden Retriever Fokkers, Pups, is een Golden geschikt voor u, Puppytest, showen en werken met je Golden, Canine, Forums en FAQ, ....en veel meer Goud..... kom eens langs ! Als ze goed gesocialiseerd zijn kunnen ze prima met andere huisdieren leren samenleven. Ook als volwassen hond blijft de Golden Retriever actief. [28] A 2004 survey by the UK Kennel Club puts this number at 38.8%. I peluche sanno ascoltare, coccolare e consolare; inoltre hanno superato accurati test di sicurezza. [35], Since Golden Retrievers are so trainable, they are used for many important jobs, such as guide dogs for blind people, drug or bomb sniffing at airports, or helping to rescue people from earthquakes and other natural disasters. Golden Retriever Gifts, Merchandise, Collectibles. ! The average lifespan for a Golden Retriever is about 11 to 12 years. "Golden Retriever Dog Breed Profile |", "14 Best Ways To Exercise Your Golden Retriever". I Golden Retriever pesano tra i 25 e 32 kg e sono alti fino a 60 cm. Harsh training methods are unnecessary, as Golden Retrievers often respond very well to positive and upbeat training styles.[25].