Compulsory requirement: a minimum of 1 year's relevant job experience in fields and topics coherent with the Program. 2018-2019 il master è offerto anche nella formula part-time (durata: 2 anni). The project includes: a residence hosting 300 students, the new headquarters of the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a multi-purpose sports center. La Bocconi propone un’ampia offerta di programmi master per rispondere alle esigenze di formazione dei neolaureati o di chi, già inserito nel mondo del lavoro, intenda ampliare le proprie competenze su tematiche specifiche.. 19:00, 10:00
SDA Bocconi School of Management |
Immatricolazione: dal 1 al 8 luglio 2021 (ore 12.00, ora italiana) MET Master in Economia del Turismo. Il master permette agli studenti di specializzarsi in una specifica area del diritto europeo e internazionale, a scelta fra Data di fine. Il MiMeC - Master in Marketing e Comunicazione - è un programma formativo a tempo pieno, che si rivolge a giovani laureati di tutte le aree disciplinari. -
Il progetto formativo di SDA Bocconi che si adatta alle tue esigenze. Bocconi offers several 3- or 4-year PhD programs taught in English (one program has a curriculum that includes Italian teaching). Master - Università Bocconi Milano La Bocconi propone un’ampia offerta di programmi master per rispondere alle esigenze di formazione dei neolaureati o di chi, già inserito nel mondo del lavoro, intenda ampliare le proprie competenze su tematiche specifiche. University transcript of records), Official statement of the employer, describing content and length of the job activities carried out, Copy of an English language certificate (at least B2 level). ... Il MasterOP, Master universitario in Organizzazione e Personale, è un programma formativo a tempo pieno della durata di un anno compreso il periodo dedicato allo stage curriculare o progetto sul campo. Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication, Economics, Management and Computer Science, Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence, Accounting, Financial Management and Control, Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment, Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations, Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology, SDA Bocconi Post Experience Master Programs, English knowledge at least at the B2 level, Academic curriculum (i.e. Master Universitari pre-esperienza Bocconi: un percorso altamente professionalizzante che ti porterà a conoscere a fondo l'ambito di tuo interesse e ad affrontare al meglio il mondo del lavoro, pronto a esprimere al meglio il tuo talento in uno scenario socio-economico globale … 345 Social Worker jobs available in Kansas City, MO on All programs are part of the PhD School, which acts as a point of reference for PhD candidates during their academic careers. Nel rispetto della Direttiva 2009/136/CE, ti informiamo che il nostro sito utilizza i cookies. I Master Part Time di 24ORE Business School danno la possibilità di integrare studio e lavoro.La formazione specialistica in diverse aree di business, Marketing, HR, Finanza o altro, prevede lezioni in aula o in live streaming nei weekend, il venerdì e sabato, permettendo ai partecipanti di lavorare ed accrescere contemporaneamente le proprie competenze. Executive Masters Our Executive Specialised Masters and Executive Masters are degree programmes designed for high potential managers with at least three years of professional experience who wish to reinforce their competence in a specific field of management.
Bocconi ranks 7th in the world in the FT Masters in Finance pre-experience ranking. È possibile anche fissare un incontro durante i nostri viaggi in giro per il mondo, per telefono o Skype. MBA, Executive master, master full time e part time, master online e corsi di formazione professionale di 24ORE Business School per neolaureati, manager e professionisti. a) a 5-year Integrated Master of Arts in Law or 3+2 years Master of Arts in Law from an Italian university, or b) equivalent degree in Law from a university abroad. The criteria for receiving merit-based scholarships are the same for both part-time and full-time students. In order to be evaluated, applicants must meet other the following requirements: The selection process is based on the evaluation of a dossier including: Interview (if needed). EMILUX: 13-month part-time international master offered by SDA Bocconi for experienced executives who are interested in the luxury business. The Executive Master in Management of International Organizations (EMMIO) is a part-time blended program that successfully prepares participants to tackle the biggest managerial challenges of modern international organizations (among which: United Nations, International NGOs, Intergovernmental and Supranational Organizations), compacting an impressive workload and a full-fledged executive master … Bocconi is about more than just classes. The INSEAD Master in Management is more than a programme, it is a journey that starts with who you are, and leads to what you want to achieve. 24 Restaurant Kitchen Manager jobs available in Kansas City, MO on Criteri di selezione: 17 febbraio — 31 maggio 2021 (ore 12, ora italiana) MiMeC ed. Il Master intende formare figure professionali capaci di presidiare le principali funzioni di Marketing e Comunicazione, in prospettiva strategica e operativa. Many Master in Milan programs take a minimum of one year of full-time study, however program lengths and requirements differ depending on the specific program, and there are also part-time and online study options. Application are open to applicants holding a 5-year Integrated Master of Arts in Law (Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza) or equivalent degree in law from an University abroad (The Degree gained must give access to a third level of studies in the Home Country). tel. Designed to empower the next generation of well-rounded, agile-thinking and innovative individuals who are ready to make a positive impact in today's society. Master Strategie di Sostenibilità Aziendale: Gestione Finanziaria, Sociale ed Ambientale nella Circular Economy. You will experience a newly designed MBA - built around the concepts of Transformation, Impact and Sustainability. Milano - 26 Febbraio 2021. Procedi all'acquisto Procedi all'acquisto Ricevi la brochure Data di inizio. Your years on campus are about more than just the classes you attend: Bocconi and Milan also promote activities focused on culture, sports, art and sharing ideas. Master Part Time. MIHMEP. Executive Master in Management delle Aziende Sanitarie e Socio-Assistenziali, Executive Master in Management delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche, Master in Imprenditorialità e Strategia Aziendale, Master of International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy, Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management, Master in Arts Management and Administration, 18:00
Choosing Bocconi means becoming part of an internationally recognized community established through decades of excellence... For the 2021-2022 academic year, the application calendar will be as follows: Please note that the timeline can be subject to some changes during the selection period. Via Sarfatti, 10 - 20136 - Milano, Italy |
Fees are payable in three installments as follows: 1st installment: € 5632 at time of enrollment. The monetary awards may be structured for three years, even if it takes more than three years to graduate. P.IVA 03628350153. Per chi, con una maggiore seniority, vuole proseguire in parallelo con studio e lavoro, Per chi, in un momento di svolta, investe un anno nello studio. |
Con il supporto dei docenti e la collaborazione dei colleghi è un' esperienza di arricchimento e crescita professionale che inizia subito, dal primo giorno." They help make your Bocconi experience an exciting time that is key to personal and professional growth. Students pursuing a Master in Milan will experience curriculum that generally includes coursework, internship, and a master’s thesis. I Master I Master di SDA Bocconi propongono cultura manageriale focalizzata su un’ampia varietà di business. The video interview is recommended, though not compulsory. 2019/21) "Il Master è una sferzata di energia e nuovi stimoli per vincere le prossime sfide professionali. To reach Steve Rosen, call 816-234-4879 or send email to … Scopri le caratteristiche del master. Opening of Academic Year 2019/2020 and Bocconi's Urban Campus.
Specialized Masters For those wishing to take a year out to focus on their studies. Results will be released online approximately 3 weeks after the application deadlines. Part-time students are eligible for financial aid and scholarships. +39 02 5836.6605-6606 - fax +39 02 5836.6638 |
26 Febbraio 2021. Applicants are encouraged to complete a video interview (in English). Full-Time MBA EMBA GEMBA Managment Marketing Finance Strategy Sales. Il master ha una durata di 12 mesi e si svolge in lingua inglese. Il team di Recruiting & Admissions sarà felice di fissare un Orientation Meeting individuale presso la Scuola, per poter rispondere alle vostre domande e darvi dei consigli mirati. Please note that University studies in other fields may also be taken into consideration where significant experience in an LLM-related field is proved. The part-time MBA in Milan will help you see the world in a different way, as a place where creativity, resilience, and real experience play a key role in success. Master in Corporate Finance e Management Control: Formazione 24 ore Business School: Corso post laurea in Amministrazione e Controllo di Gestione: LUIS business: Executive master in Amministrazione Finanza e Controllo: SDA Bocconi: Master in Accounting e Control: SDA Bocconi: Master in CFO Amministrazione Finanza e Controllo: Università di Pisa Executive MBA: 18 mesi, Modular o Weekend. Apply to Social Worker, Health Care Advisor, Director of Social Services and more! Se continui a navigare sul sito, accetti espressamente il loro utilizzo. A partire dall'a.a. MBA Part-time Weekend (Ed. The Luiss Part-time MBA Programme is designed to ensure innovative and competitive skills required by the market. SDA Bocconi’s Masters focus on the development of managerial skills for a variety of industry sectors. Master of Science Programs - Bocconi University Milan Internationally-oriented study with highly flexible course plans and innovative teaching methods: these are the main features of Bocconi's Master of Science programs in the Social Sciences, in the fields of Economics, Management, Finance, as well as Data Science and Political Science. Part-Time MBA - Milan . A partire dal 2020-2021 la Bocconi offrirà un nuovo master of laws, LLM in European Business and Social Law: interamente in inglese, il corso fornisce agli studenti una comprensione completa del sistema legale dell’Unione europea. All of our Executive Masters are part-time programmes, designed to fit alongside the full-time employment of our participants. Learn more. 17:00, 14:00
Apply to Kitchen Manager, Restaurant Manager, Assistant Teacher and more! © Università Bocconi - Via Sarfatti, 25 Milano - PI 03628350153. Part-time MBA . Scegli il tuo percorso, Investi nel tuo futuro. Please note that this amount includes the obligatory … EMF: master part-time offerto SDA Bocconi a weekend alternati per i futuri manager nel mondo della finanza. You can apply to the programs at Bocconi University by registering on our Admissions Portal. I Master prevedono la frequenza in aula e lezioni in live streaming di sei mesi e uno stage formativo equivalente presso aziende partner nazionali e multinazionali selezionate.
Fees include course materials, use of Bocconi facilities, access to the Library and MaGER online databases. 24ORE Business School propone una vasta scelta di Master Full Time con stage per giovani neolaureati che vogliono approfondire le loro conoscenze e consolidare le proprie basi per entrare nel mondo del lavoro. See all the specific information about the procedure for the video interview (through the Kira Talent Portal). 15:00. The university will continue to offer traditional part-time professional MBA and executive MBA programs. Il master LLM in Law of Internet Technology è un programma innovativo interamente dedicato al diritto applicato all’ambito digitale e dell’innovazione tecnologica, visti in una prospettiva internazionale. -
La Bocconi settima al mondo nel ranking FT dei corsi di laurea di secondo livello in finanza. sostenere il test online Bocconi (11 giugno 2021) 2 aprile — 31 maggio 2021 (ore 12, ora italiana) Esiti: 1 luglio 2021.