", "Pope Francis insists same-sex marriage 'disfigures God's plan for creation, "Plot thickens over origins of pope's civil union endorsement", "Mexico broadcaster: Pope's civil union quote not broadcast", "Pope Francis Calls for Civil Union Law for Same-Sex Couples, in Shift From Vatican Stance", "Pope Francis Endorses Use Of Force Against ISIS In Iraq", "Civil war in the Vatican as conservatives battle Francis for the soul of Catholicism", "Conservative criticism intensifies against Pope Francis", "How Pope Francis and his conservative critics may both be right", "Anti-reform cardinals 'want the Pope to quit, "Why Pope Francis scares some conservatives", "Why do some Catholics oppose Pope Francis? The texts of the encyclical Laudato si' and Evangelii gaudium were used. Cardinale coprì la rete pedofila. According to, This devotion has since spread to Brazil; it "attracts people with small problems. Caleb K. Bell (14 March 2013). The president took more than an hour before congratulating the new Pope, and only did so in a passing reference within a routine speech. Since 2018, he has been a heavily vocal opponent of neo-nationalism. [376], In March 2013, a new song was dedicated to Francis and released in Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, and Italian, titled Come Puoi ("How You Can"). Most of the Argentine society cheered it, but the pro-government newspaper Página/12 published renewed allegations about the Dirty War, and the president of the National Library described a global conspiracy theory. La Chiesa: "Interferenza", Papa Francesco, nella Commissione antipedofilia c’è anche una vittima di abusi, Pedofila, polemica in Vaticano: Peter Saunders lascia Commissione della Santa Sede, L'incriminazione del cardinale Pell per pedofilia e le colpe di papa Francesco, Vaticano, commissione anti-abusi: si dimette Marie Collins, Prevenzione della pedofilia, Collins risponde al cardinale Mueller, "Vaticano opaco sui preti pedofili" l'ultimo addio al pool anti abusi, Cardinal Nichols: Pope Francis' 'toughness' will see the Catholic Church through reforms, Müller's defense of 'Amoris Laeitia' reads it in Church tradition, The Pope is making clear there is now only one centre of power at the Vatican, Cardinal says 'only blind man' could deny confusion caused by Pope, Rome wakes up to find city full of anti-Pope Francis posters, Fake Vatican newspaper delivers new shot at Pope Francis, Amid controversy, council of cardinals backs Pope Francis, Cardinal Wuerl: Pope Francis has Reconnected the Church with Vatican II, Conservative Theologians Accuse Pope of Spreading Heresy, Correctio filialis de haeresibus propagatis, Vatican: Papal Honor for Pro-Abortion Politician Not a Sign of Support, Award to pro-abortion politician a matter of protocol, Vatican says, Document on "Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" signed by His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahamad al-Tayyib (Abu Dhabi, 4 February 2019), Pope Francis signs peace declaration on 'Human Fraternity' with Grand Imam, Il francobollo vaticano per celebrare Lutero, Au Maroc, le pape François soutient les migrants africains en marche vers l'Europe, Encourager les migrants soulève les craintes du cardinal Sarah, In visita a Perlo dove nacque sua nonna, cognata di Rosa, nonna di Papa Francesco, A papa Francesco il premio Carlomagno 2016: "Lo dedico alla pace", Al Papa il premio Carlo Magno. He lived in a small apartment, rather than in the elegant bishop's residence in the suburb of Olivos. [41], Bergoglio completed his final stage of spiritual training as a Jesuit, tertianship, at Alcalá de Henares, Spain, and took final, solemn vows as a Jesuit, including the fourth vow of obedience to missioning by the pope, on 22 April 1973. [318] Some Catholic observers tried to understand it as an allusion to the "permissive will" of God, allowing evil on earth. [337], In 2017, Dutch politician Lilianne Ploumen was appointed as Dame Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. [116], The Justicialist Party won the 2001 elections and got the majority in the Congress, and appointed Ramón Puerta as president of the Senate. "[97] Artist and human rights activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, said: "Perhaps he didn't have the courage of other priests, but he never collaborated with the dictatorship. Così vinse Ratzinger, Bergoglio si ritirò, Ratzinger Papa. Each of the five were under the age of eighty, and were thus eligible to vote in a papal conclave. [249] The consistory was a rare occasion in which Francis and his predecessor, Benedict XVI, appeared together in public. [52][53], Bergoglio was asked in 1992 by Jesuit authorities not to reside in Jesuit houses, because of continued tensions with Jesuit leaders and scholars, a sense of Bergoglio's "dissent," views of his Catholic orthodoxy and his opposition to theology of liberation, and his work as auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires. "[108][109] Graciela Fernández Meijide, member of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, also said that there was no proof linking Bergoglio with the dictatorship. In Piazza San Pietro una folla di centomila fedeli, Holy mass in the parish of St. Anna in the Vatican, The future Pope Francis: additional interviews and writings, Catholic news from the Archdiocese of Baltimore and around the world, The Pope Francis Effect: Confession Boom Continues, American Jesuits Are in a Free Fall, and the Crisis is Getting Worse, Pope reduces sanctions against some paedophile priests, «Lumen fidei»: ecco la prima enciclica, iniziata da Ratzinger, "Lumen fidei": la prima Enciclica di Francesco, L'Enciclica sarà «sulla cura della casa comune», Laudato sì', l'enciclica del Papa sull'ambiente, Lettera Apostolica in forma di «Motu Proprio» sulla giurisdizione degli organi giudiziari dello Stato della Città del Vaticano in materia penale, Lettera Apostolica in forma di «Motu Proprio» per la prevenzione ed il contrasto del riciclaggio, del finanziamento del terrorismo e della proliferazione di armi di distruzione di massa, Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio of the Supreme Pontiff Francis Approving the New Statutes of the Financial Intelligence Authority, Lettera Apostolica in forma di «Motu Proprio» per la costituzione di una nuova struttura di coordinamento degli affari economici e amministrativi della Santa Sede e dello Stato della Città del Vaticano, Lettera apostolica in forma di Motu Proprio di papa Francesco sull’offerta della vita, Bergoglio alle celebrazioni del natale ortodosso a Buenos Aires, I fratelli Pietro e Andrea. [92], Bergoglio was the subject of allegations regarding the Navy's kidnapping of two Jesuit priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, in May 1976, during Argentina's Dirty War. [139], In addition to his native Spanish, Francis is also conversant in Latin (the official language of the Holy See), he speaks fluent Italian (the official language of Vatican City and the "everyday language" of the Holy See), German,[140] French,[141] Portuguese,[142] English,[143][144] and he understands the Piedmontese language and some Genoese. [234][235][236] The pope canonized the two child visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto during his visit to Fátima in mid-2017 and canonized 35 additional saints on 15 October. [341] En route to the United States for a visit in September 2015, the pope stopped in Cuba. In addition, Esquire magazine named him as the "Best-dressed man" for 2013 for his simpler vestments often in tune with a modern simplistic design on sartorial fashion. Nobody mentioned him as instigator or as anything. [252], Francis presided over his fifth consistory for the elevation of 14 new cardinals on 28 June 2018. [176], In March 2013, 21 British Catholic peers and Members of Parliament from all parties asked Francis to allow married men in Great Britain to be ordained as priests, keeping celibacy as the rule for bishops. Benedetto XVI come un nonno, Ratzinger: «Le dimissioni ispirate da Dio», Il primo passo del Papa "nascosto" verso la normalità, «Ratzinger si è tolto lo zucchetto e ha voluto una semplice sedia», Concistoro per il voto sulle cause di canonizzazione dei Beati Giovanni XXIII e Giovanni Paolo II, Papa Francesco su ruolo di Ratzinger contro la corruzione vaticana, Chirografo con il quale viene istituito un Consiglio di Cardinali per aiutare il Santo Padre nel governo della Chiesa universale e per studiare un progetto di revisione della Costituzione Apostolica, Ecco "i saggi" di Papa Francesco per studiare come cambiare la chiesa, Consiglio dei cardinali da C8 a C9: entra Parolin, La riforma della Curia romana voluta da Papa Francesco, Chirografo del Santo Padre Francesco per l'istituzione di una pontificia commissione referente sull'istituto per le opere di religione, Comunicato: commissione cardinalizia di vigilanza dell'istituto per le opere di religione, Colloquio con il promotore Nicola Picardi Collaborazione internazionale per garantire giustizia e sicurezza, Lettera apostolica in forma di «Motu proprio» del Sommo pontefice Francesco sulla giurisdizione degli organi giudiziari dello Stato della Città del Vaticano in materia penale, Papa Francesco crea la commissione per una Chiesa trasparente, Papa Francesco cambia il Catechismo: «La pena di morte è inammissibile», No alla pena di morte nel Catechismo: il perché della svolta del Papa, Papa Francesco: «Sabato una giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace in Siria», Veglia per la pace del Papa, cresce l'attesa. NEW POPE: Who is this man named Bergoglio? [242][243][244] The pope has approved beatifications for a range of men and women including the likes of Álvaro del Portillo of Opus Dei (27 September 2014), the martyred archbishop Óscar Romero (23 May 2015) and several large groups of Spanish martyrs. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a young man Bergoglio worked for a time as a bouncer and a janitor before getting training as a chemist, and working as a technician in a food science laboratory. [170] He named Alfred Xuereb as his personal secretary. [406], On 21 October 2020, the documentary Francesco directed by film producer Evgeny Afineevsky premiered. [315], The Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together is a joint statement signed by Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, on 4 February 2019 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. [36] As a Jesuit novice he studied humanities in Santiago, Chile. Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936, House of Retreat for the Clergy of Saints John and Paul, This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 14:45. Later that year, when Cardinal Edward Egan returned to New York following the September 11 attacks, Bergoglio replaced him as relator (recording secretary) in the Synod of Bishops,[76] and, according to the Catholic Herald, created "a favourable impression as a man open to communion and dialogue". Cindy Wooden (26 November 2013) "A summary of the key issues raised by Pope in Evangelii Gaudium",. [321], Pope Francis has supported the Vatican-China agreement, intended to normalize the situation of China's Catholics,[322] which was criticized by Cardinal Joseph Zen as a step towards the "annihilation" of the Catholic Church in China. They're children of God and have a right to a family. It was revealed that the priest, whose face is not visible in the photo, was Carlos Berón de Astrada. E' allegata anche una traccia per la preparazione dei ragazzi alla confessione. Agencia Informativa Católica Argentina (1999–2012). Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State. Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,[b] 17 December 1936) is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State. [180], On 31 March 2013, Francis used his first Easter homily to make a plea for peace throughout the world, specifically mentioning the Middle East, Africa, and North and South Korea. He called not for "a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases," but "a responsible personal and pastoral discernment of particular cases." Puerta told him that the Justicialist party was not plotting to oust De la Rúa, and promised to help the president promote the laws that may be required. He said that "the international community has drawn up the necessary legal instruments, such as the Paris Agreement, from which however some are withdrawing. [15] According to María Elena Bergoglio (b. [216] He addressed this and the clergy sex abuse scandal by convening a summit on clergy sexual abuse in Rome 21–24 February 2019. [204] Lay experts and clerics were looking into how the bank was run. [138] At his first media audience, the Saturday after his election, the Pope spoke of Saint Francis of Assisi as "the man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man", and he added "[h]ow I would like a poor Church, and for the poor". [169], On 16 March 2013, Pope Francis asked all those in senior positions of the Roman Curia to provisionally continue in office. [34] Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk said that Bergoglio understands the liturgy, rites, and spirituality of Shevchuk's Greek Catholic Church and always "took care of our Church in Argentina" as ordinary for Eastern Catholics during his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires. [7][61] One of Bergoglio's major initiatives as archbishop was to increase the Church's presence in the slums of Buenos Aires. [303], On a theological level, controversy arose after the publication of the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, especially regarding whether the exhortation had changed the Catholic Church's sacramental discipline concerning access to the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist for divorced couples who have civilly remarried. [124][125] Página/12 removed their controversial articles about Bergoglio, written by Horacio Verbitsky, from their web page, as a result of this change. Antonio Primaldo and his 812 companions who had been executed by the Ottomans in 1480,[223] as well as the religious sisters Laura of St. Catherine of Siena and María Guadalupe García Zavala – in this first canonization he surpassed the record of Pope John Paul II in canonizing the most saints in a pontificate. Associated Press. Nato a Buenos Aires nel 1936, Jorge Mario Bergoglio compie oggi 84 anni. The group included several known as critics of Vatican operations and only one member of the Curia. Calypso italiano (Margot Eskens - Silvio Francesco / Orchester Kurt Edelhagen) Cindy, oh Cindy Cœur blessé - armes Herz Cuarenta noches Damals war alles so schön Danke Das wird wie ein Wunder für mich sein Deine Liebe Denk daran bevor du gehst Denk nicht an morgen, wenn du bei mir bist Denn du musst fort Denn ich lieb' dich viel zu sehr [347] The cave under the Church of the Nativity caught fire the night after his visit. The administrations of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner considered him a political rival. Woodhead said that many ordinary Catholics would have difficulty understanding theological jargon there. [7] He celebrated Mass in the presence of various political and religious leaders from around the world. "[188], Francis has overseen synods on the family (2014), on youth (2018), and on the Church in the Amazon region (2019). Cardinal Bergoglio Elected Pope Francis", "Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina Named as New Pope of the Roman Catholic Church", "White smoke: Cardinals elect new pope on fifth ballot", "Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave, says Cardinal", "Habemus Papam: New Pope, new lifestyle in the Vatican", "Pope Francis' personality begins to change routines", "Pope Francis delivers first blessing, asks world for prayers | Reuters", "Pope Francis in plea for poor as inauguration Mass held", "Pope Francis explains decision to take St Francis of Assisi's name", "New Pope Francis visits St. Mary Major, collects suitcases and pays bill at hotel", CNN Vatican analyst: Pope Francis' name choice 'precedent shattering', Pope Francis explains name, calls for church 'for the poor', "Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor, "Pope Francis: How the first New World pontiff could save the church", "Vatican: It's Pope Francis, not Pope Francis I", Pope Francis charms media in first press address, "Francis once thought of taking the name John, after Pope John XXIII", "Francis drops first hint that reform may be real", "Gozitan Mgr Alfred Xuereb appointed Pope's official secretary", "Pope appoints Franciscan to religious congregation", "Pope scraps Vatican staff bonuses, directs money to charity", "Pope taps eight cardinals to lead reform", "Pope Francis sets up a group of eight cardinals to advise him", "Catholic MPs urge Pope Francis to allow ordination of married men", "Jerusalem prelate urges pope to visit holy city", "Chaldean prelate invites pope to visit Iraq", "Pope washes feet of two girls, two Muslims at youth prison", "Pope Francis makes pleas for peace on Easter Sunday", "Pope Francis delivers Easter plea for peace", "Pope Francis makes an Easter plea for peace", "Pope backs reform of US sisters' leadership conference", "Pope Upholds Reprimand of American Nuns' Group", "David Uebbing, "Pope backs reform of US sisters' leadership conference", Catholic News Agency, 15 April 2013", Vatican Ends Battle With U.S. Catholic Nuns' Group, "Francis canonises first saints of his papacy", "Pope Francis approves new constitution for Synod of Bishops", "Pope Francis, everyman pontiff: Profile", "Pope Francis faces church divided over doctrine, global poll of Catholics finds", "Poll: Catholic Beliefs at Odds With Vatican Doctrine", Vatican: Synod of Bishops – Extraordinary General Assembly – Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization – Preparatory Document, Vatican City 2013, "Roman Catholic Church refuses survey request", "New Poll: 'Faithful Catholics' an Endangered Species", "U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke: Pope Francis opposes abortion and gay marriage", "Lombardi: No cardinal believes in changing Church doctrine", "Pope Francis condemns global 'cult of money, "Vatican bank faces review by Pope Francis commission", "BBC News – Monsignor Nunzio Scarano held in Vatican bank inquiry", "Update on the case of Mons. In 2008, Bergoglio called for national reconciliation during disturbances in the country's agricultural regions, which the government interpreted as a support for anti-government demonstrators. [197] The Vatican's chief spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, also noted in the Vatican press office during the 2014 consistory meetings that Pope Francis and Cardinal Walter Kasper would not change or redefine any dogmas pertaining to Church theology on doctrinal matters. ", "Pope candidly admits Church 'arrived late' in confronting abuse", "Why the Pope's Summit on Abuse Disappointed Some Survivors", "Pope Francis lifts 'pontifical secret' in clergy sex abuse cases used to protect pedophiles, silence victims | Fox News Channel", "Vatican supports Chilean bishop despite allegations of sex abuse cover-up", "Pope acknowledges 'grave errors' in Chilean sex abuse scandal", "Viganò's accusations: What we know and what questions they raise", "Pope's role in study of Argentine sex abuse case draws fire", "Accompanying, Discerning, Integrating Weakness", "Four Cardinals Formally Ask Pope for Clarity on 'Amoris Laetitia, "Pope Francis still hasn't responded to the dubia. Discorso. [254], On 1 September 2019, following his weekly Sunday Angelus address, Francis unexpectedly announced the appointment of 13 new cardinals. E' morto a Venezia all’età di 92 anni Amos Luzzatto, scrittore, docente universitario, medico, studioso ed ex presidente dell'Unione delle comunità ebraiche italiane (Ucei) dal 1998 al 2006. Francesco. [304] Francis had written that "It is important that the divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church." [74] When he turned 75 in December 2011, Bergoglio submitted his resignation as archbishop of Buenos Aires to Pope Benedict XVI as required by canon law. The Vatican's secretary of state, Pietro Parolin, raised the issue of climate change and encouraged Trump to remain in the Paris Agreement. [45] He served at San Miguel for six years until 1986[7] when, at the discretion of Jesuit superior-general Peter Hans Kolvenbach, he was replaced by someone more in tune with the worldwide trend in the Society of Jesus toward emphasizing social justice, rather than his emphasis on popular religiosity and direct pastoral work. I am not joking. [346] Protests against his visit resulted in an alleged arson attempt at the Dormition Abbey. Probabili origini liguri per il Papa che viene da lontano, Papa Francesco vive con un solo polmone, lo ha perso da giovane per un'infezione, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, il gesuita che sfidò Benedetto XVI, Eletto il primo Papa gesuita della storia, Dal tango alla fidanzata: ecco perché Papa Francesco piace, El jesuita: conversaciones con el cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, «Ero del gruppo di amici con i quali andavamo a ballare.