On 18 December 2020, the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU. In its resolution adopted on 15 May, Parliament called for a €2 trillion recovery package to address the impact of the coronavirus. The European Commission will move to launch the EU’s proposed €750 billion recovery fund without Hungary and Poland if there’s no breakthrough in the budget deadlock at next week’s European Council, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told European Parliament President David Sassoli on Wednesday, according to two Parliament officials. What will the mood of investors and consumers be?”, Since the outset, the EU has been mobilising all means available to help member states reinforce their health sectors and mitigate the socio-economic impact of the virus. 3 | July 21, 2020 EU Monitor Lagarde who said that “the EU steps up and comes together to help the people of Europe.”4 Our main takeaways In a press conference on Tuesday morning, President Michel presented the hard won results. There is so much uncertainty: will there be a relapse? An ambitious EU long-term budget will be crucial to rebooting the economy and creating a green, digital and resilient Europe after Covid-19. 1. The text also stipulates that the mechanism only applies to the 2021-2027 EU budget and recovery fund, and that "the European Council will strive to formulate a common position" should a country facing penalties request a discussion of its case. cohesion, agriculture, Erasmus, Horizon Europe, etc). European Union countries whose economies have been battered by the coronavirus pandemic are impatiently waiting to get their hands on the recovery fund, sanctioned by the EU. A. News EU breaks deadlock on budget, coronavirus recovery fund. Ahead of a vote on plans to revise the post-2020 EU budget, the chair of Parliament’s budget committee Johan Van Overtveldt warned the economic recovery would be “slow and gradual” and that the prediction of a 7.5% decline in economic activity this year is a “mild forecast”. EU leaders have agreed on a landmark 750 billion euro ($860 billion) recovery fund for the reconstruction of the region disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.. EU strikes deal on $2.21 trillion seven-year budget and recovery package considered vital for many European … The EU’s long-term budget, coupled with NextGenerationEU, the temporary instrument designed to boost the recovery, will be the largest stimulus package ever financed through the EU budget. To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have agreed on a recovery plan that will lead the way out of the crisis and lay the foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. EU recovery fund and budget negotiations aren't over yet. Posted: Dec 10, 2020 / 07:28 AM EST / Updated: Dec 10, 2020 / 07:28 AM EST. EU Recovery Fund Is a Step Towards a More Resilient Eurozone. Source: European Commission. The big challenge will be to find the right balance.”. Must Read . The grand EU budget deal reached by the European Council on 21 July 2020, which includes a one-time €750 billion recovery fund named ‘Next Generation EU’ (NGEU), is unprecedented. Find open and upcoming calls for funding proposals, get background information on funding processes and programmes, and apply online. Of the money, €390bn will be distributed in grants while €360bn will be given out in the form of repayable loans. EU recovery fund and budget negotiations aren't over yet. EU strikes deal on landmark budget, virus recovery fund. According to the EU Recovery Fund, Italy should receive € 209 billion over the next six years, of which about 81 is for grants and 128 for loans to be repaid with interest. EU breaks deadlock on budget, coronavirus recovery fund Leaders have agreed to pass the new budget and coronavirus recovery fund, including holdouts Hungary and Poland. The need for a significant stimulus to reboot the EU economy comes at a time when voices calling for increased green investment are also on the rise. Updated / Tuesday, 21 Jul 2020 19:25 The EU summit produced a Covid recovery fund and a €1.8 trillion budget package Parliament has also called for a large-scale recovery package to support Europe’s economy after the crisis. MEP Guy Verhofstadt wants the European Parliament to now deal with the shortcomings of the EU recovery deal (Photo: European Parliament) By Guy Verhofstadt. The European Commission is considering a way to proceed with its €750bn coronavirus recovery fund that will exclude Hungary and Poland. For the Commission to start borrowing, all Member  States must ratify the new Own Resources Decision in line with their constitutional requirements. And yet this divisiveness has been baked into the EU recovery fund, complete with country allocations drawn up even before we know the effects of the recession on each region. MEP Guy Verhofstadt wants the European Parliament to now deal with the shortcomings of the EU recovery deal (Photo: European Parliament) By Guy Verhofstadt. EU heads of state or government reached a political agreement on the package. There is no more time to lose. The EU's €750 billion recovery fund - What is in it for Ireland? On 13 May, MEPs called on the Commission to prepare a contingency plan to avoid disruption for farmers, companies and organisations counting on EU funds in the event that approval of the long-term budget is delayed. EU €750 billion Covid recovery fund comes with green conditions Published on 27/05/2020, 2:37pm. EU leaders reduced the proposed budget to €1.074 trillion at their summit on 17-21 July. EU leaders have resolved a bitter dispute with Poland and Hungary to salvage the bloc's landmark coronavirus recovery plan, but argued overnight and into this morning on fighting climate change. GREEN BOOST. On 10 December 2020, EU Member States in the European Council agreed to finalise the adoption of the MFF Regulation and the Own Resources Decision, at the level of the Council. On 21 July 2020, EU heads of state or government reached a political agreement on the package. The programmes are Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, EU4Health, Integrated Border Management Fund, Rights and Values, Creative Europe, InvestEU, European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Humanitarian Aid. French President Emmanuel Macron, left, speaks with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, right, speaks with Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, … On April 23, 2020, the European Council mandated the European Commission to work on a European Recovery Fund and to clarify its possible link with the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s long-term budget. The EU has proposed a mechanism linking the bloc’s €1.8 trillion budget, which includes a €750bn coronavirus recovery package, to its members' respect of the rule of law. In its resolution adopted on 15 May, Parliament called for a €2 trillion recovery package to address the impact of the coronavirus. The new long-term budget will increase flexibility mechanisms to guarantee it has the capacity to address unforeseen needs. The Commission will put forward proposals by June 2021 on sources of revenue linked to: By June 2024, the Commission will propose new sources of revenue, such as: The European Commission will start committing the funds under the next Multiannual Financial Framework (the EU long-term budget) as of 1 January 2021, following the adoption of the relevant sector-specific rules as well as of the annual budget for 2021 by the European Parliament and the Council. Watch the full interview with budget committee chair Johan Van Overtveldt. The largest stimulus package ever MEPs reiterated that this fund must be added on top of the EU long-term budget and not be to the detriment of existing and future EU programmes. The last step of the adoption of the next long-term EU budget was reached on 17 December 2020. But doling out €750 billion in grants and loans will be a tricky task. Of that €390 billion, around €312.5 billion (80%) will be allocated to the so-called EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. EU coronavirus recovery fund BLOCKED by Hungary and Poland - Brussels in crisis THE European Union was plunged into turmoil today after Hungary … It’s against this backdrop that, last month, European politicians finally agreed to raise a €750bn fund to be allocated among EU states to help the Covid-19 recovery. Just throwing money around is never a solution. Negotiators for the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached the preliminary deal on the €672.5 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in a final push that began Thursday morning. Along with the human cost of lives lost, the hit to the EU economy has been severe. The coronavirus outbreak is testing the EU in ways that would have been unthinkable only months ago. It is a budget fit not only for today's realities but also for tomorrow's uncertainties. They also wanted to impose stricter conditions on the member states receiving the funding. Thu 23 Jul, 2020 - 10:42 AM ET. EU27 leaders agreed on: — EUR 750 bn recovery fund. By LORNE COOK and RAF CASERT December 10, 2020 GMT. That’s the only relevant issue.”. He stressed the importance of improving the resilience of the EU economy, and making it better equipped to deal with emergencies like Covid-19: “What it’s all about at the end of the day is what you can achieve to increase the wellbeing and welfare of EU citizens. Brussels, 22. by: LORNE COOK and RAF CASERT, Associated Press . Guntram Wolff Director of Bruegel. MEPs called on 15 May for a €2 trillion fund, built into the EU’s next long-term budget, which puts Europeans at the heart of the Covid-19 recovery. (Бюджет на ЕС: Европейската комисия приветства постигането на споразумение за пакет от 1,8 трилиона евро, за да се подпомогне изграждането на по-екологична, по-цифровизирана и по-устойчива Европа), (Presupuesto de la UE: la Comisión Europea se congratula del acuerdo alcanzado sobre un paquete de 1,8 billones de euros para ayudar a construir una Europa más ecológica, más digital y más resiliente), (Rozpočet EU: Evropská komise vítá dohodu o balíčku 1,8 bilionu eur, který pomůže vybudovat ekologičtější, digitálnější a odolnější Evropu), (EU-budgettet: Europa-Kommissionen glæder sig over aftale om pakke på 1,8 bio. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks as he arrives for an EU summit at the European Council building in Brussels, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020. The EU’s recovery fund proposals: crisis relief with massive redistribution. Holding European citizens and values hostage to national ambitions in these difficult times is reckless and irresponsible. Parliament is insisting that climate action is at the core of the post-pandemic recovery. EU leaders went the distance to agree a historic coronavirus recovery fund for the bloc. That followed a frenzy of meetings this week, including an … The Commission’s plan for the recovery fund was introduced during the plenary session in May together with a revised proposal for the EU's 2021-2027 budget amounting to €1.1 trillion. They also stressed that the package should be focussed on people’s needs. It is not so much the size and imminent economic impact that is so consequential but rather the symbolism for European solidarity. These countries were known as being hostile to increasing the size of the EU budget and delayed an agreement on the recovery fund because they opposed funding it by common debt. EU seals deal on massive long-term budget and virus recovery fund. A total of €1.8 trillion will help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe. The Commission relies on the commitment of Member States to proceed as quickly as possible, in the interest of all EU citizens. Businesses, workers, NGOs across Europe are demanding the rapid release of money from both the EU budget and the Recovery Fund. The 1.82 trillion-euro ($2.21 trillion) seven-year budget and recovery package was meant to come into effect on Jan. 1. … Learn about the tendering process and opportunities for doing business with the European Commission. THE EU's recovery fund will face severe delays unless Brussels adopts a rarely used 'eurozone stabilisation procedure', a political commentator has claimed. The 1.82 trillion-euro ($2.21 trillion) seven-year budget and recovery package is considered vital for many European countries whose economies have … A recovery fund worth €750bn (£670bn; $825bn) has been proposed by the EU's executive Commission to help the EU tackle an "unprecedented crisis". Find out how. Fri 18 Dec, 2020 - 11:29 AM ET. Follow the latest progress and get involved. Anyone can benefit from the EU budget. Jul, 12:00. Brussels, 22. On 27 May 2020, in response to the unprecedented crisis caused by the coronavirus, the European Commission proposed the temporary recovery instrument NextGenerationEU of €750 billion, as well as targeted reinforcements to the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders unblocked on Thursday a 1.8 trillion euro financial package to help the economy recover from the pandemic-induced recession after reaching a … By James Frater , CNN Business. That means the matter could go all the way to EU leaders — but it does not say that they would be able to block any penalties. Poorer European Union countries and those hardest hit economically by the COVID-19 crisis could obtain up to 15% of their GNI in grants and guarantees from the EU’s proposed recovery instruments. 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2020, 23:21 . Spain will receive close to €140 billion over the next six years from a €750 billion coronavirus recovery fund that the 27 members of the European Union agreed on in the early hours of Tuesday following a marathon summit in Brussels. EUR, der skal bidrage til opbygningen af et grønnere, mere digitalt og mere modstandsdygtigt Europa), (EU-Haushalt: Europäische Kommission begrüßt Einigung über ein Paket von 1,8 Billionen EUR zum Aufbau eines grüneren, digitaleren und widerstandsfähigeren Europa), (ELi eelarve: Euroopa Komisjon tunneb heameelt kokkulepe üle, millega eraldatakse 1,8 triljonit eurot keskkonnahoidlikuma, digitaalsema ja vastupanuvõimelisema Euroopa ülesehitamiseks), (Προϋπολογισμός της ΕΕ: Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή χαιρετίζει τη σύναψη συμφωνίας σχετικά με δέσμη ύψους 1,8 τρισ. The Commission proposed the Facility on 27 May 2020 as the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU, a temporary recovery instrument that allows the Commission to raise funds to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. … This was the final step in the adoption process following the vote in the European Parliament on 16 December, which endorsed the MFF Regulation with a significant majority. Regulation Risk Mitigation. To ensure democratic scrutiny and accountability, members insisted on safeguarding Parliament’s role. THE EU's recovery fund will face severe delays unless Brussels adopts a rarely used 'eurozone stabilisation procedure', a political commentator has claimed. in.gr. The EU long-term budget will continue to be financed through the well-known revenue sources of the EU budget: In addition, as of 1 January 2021, a new national contribution based on non-recycled plastic packaging waste will be introduced as a source of revenue of the EU budget. The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the EU’s Recovery Plan for Europe – dubbed NextGeneration EU – have finally been given the green light by the European Council after Poland and Hungary withdrew their vetoes yesterday (Thursday, December 10). The EU fund involves €390 billion in … "The 25 EU member states could set up the recovery fund in accordance with this model, and even integrate the European Commission," Thiele says. Marta Domínguez-Jiménez contributed to this article. To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have agreed on a recovery plan that will lead the way out of the crisis and lay the foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. EU Recovery Fund to Provide a Boost to EU Growth. EU leaders consider new proposal in bid to break deadlock on coronavirus recovery fund. To finance the recovery, the EU will borrow on the markets at more favourable rates than many Member States and redistribute the amounts. The Commission put forward its proposal for the EU’s next long-term budget on 2 May 2018. Share. contributions from the Member States based on value added tax (VAT), contributions based on gross national income (GNI). Between 2018 and the beginning of 2020, the Commission worked hand in hand with the rotating Presidencies of the Council, and in close collaboration with the European Parliament, to take the negotiations forward. EU inches toward landmark budget, virus recovery fund deal News. Will there be a second round of lockdowns? EU leaders have struck a deal on a landmark coronavirus recovery package that will involve the European Commission undertaking massive borrowing on the capital markets for the first time. A 500bn recovery fund – 3.6% of GDP - that should solely be based on grants. finalise the adoption of the MFF Regulation and the Own Resources Decision, Council decided to adopt the next long-term EU budget, agreement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, Questions and answers on the adoption of the EU's long-term budget for 2021-2027, European Commission to issue €62.9 billion worth bonds under existing programmes in 2021, EU budget 2021: A kick-start of the European recovery, EU budget: European Commission welcomes the adoption of the EU's long-term budget for 2021-2027, Recovery from coronavirus: success stories, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, Follow the European Commission on social media, research and innovation, via Horizon Europe, fair climate and digital transitions, via the Just Transition Fund and the Digital Europe Programme, preparedness, recovery and resilience, via the Recovery and Resilience Facility, rescEU and a new health programme, EU4Health, modernising traditional policies such as cohesion and the common agricultural policy, to maximise their contribution to the Union's priorities, fighting climate change, with 30% of the EU funds, the highest share ever of the European budget, biodiversity protection and gender equality, a financial contribution linked to the corporate sector, Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU): NextGenerationEU also includes €47.5 billion for REACT-EU. It is a new initiative that continues and extends the crisis response and crisis repair measures delivered through the. Spain to channel EU recovery fund money to public-private partnerships, slashes bars’ rent The Spanish government announced a system of public-private partnerships, open to all companies, to channel the EU funds into the economy. It will be a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe. On Wednesday 27 May, the European Commission was the third to present a plan for the EU recovery fund in less than a week. Jul, 12:00. The European Union managed to overcome fierce disputes with Poland, Hungary and some other member countries on the conditions for using green recovery funds. Fitch will consider the European Commission's borrowing to fund NGEU grants as debt of the EU as a supranational entity. It would be financed through joint long-term debt issued by the EC on behalf of … On 10 November 2020, the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the package. The EU recovery fund should be at the heart of this, and actions in 2021 will matter enormously for the recovery in years to come. The European recovery, it is said, was a harshly uneven one. Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), Covid-19 recovery fund must be added to EU long-term budget, €2 trillion to rebuild the economy after Covid-19, Van Overtveldt: do not take Parliament’s consent on EU long-term budget for granted (12 May 2020), Parliament President to EU institutions: ‘Be brave on EU recovery plan’ (6 May 2020), Long-term EU budget: MEPs demand safety net for beneficiaries (4 May 2020), Recovery plan must be green and ambitious, say MEPs (21 April 2020), Stepping up EU response to alleviate effects of Covid-19 (17 April 2020), a vote on plans to revise the post-2020 EU budget, climate action is at the core of the post-pandemic recovery, Parliament called for a €2 trillion recovery package, called on the Commission to prepare a contingency plan, Ten things the EU is doing to fight the coronavirus. In the interest of citizens, Parliament will ensure that the [long-term budget] and recovery fund are the best possible responses to the severe crisis we see now and that will have consequences for many years.”, Commenting on comparisons between the Covid-19 recovery and the post-war Marshall Plan, Van Overtveldt said: “At this point, what has been done by Europe and certainly when the recovery fund to the tune of let’s say €1 trillion comes on top, we will be doing more than was done with the Marshall Plan.”, The European Commission is expected to table proposals on the recovery fund shortly, but there are already deep divisions on, for example, whether countries should be given loans or grants. EU leaders reduced the proposed budget to €1.074 trillion at their summit on 17-21 July. The … Updated 6:05 PM ET, Mon July 20, 2020 . The package will be … As the new EU wide funding means lower downside risks to the CEE key export market and higher odds of a synchronised EU recovery, this … According to the EU Recovery Fund, Italy should receive € 209 billion over the next six years, of which about 81 is for grants and 128 for loans to be repaid with interest. Europos Komisija palankiai vertina susitarimą dėl 1,8 trln.EUR vertės priemonių rinkinio, kuris padės kurti ekologiškesnę, labiau skaitmeninę ir atsparesnę Europą), (Uniós költségvetés: Az Európai Bizottság üdvözli a zöldebb, digitálisabb és ellenállóbb Európára irányuló, 1,8 billió eurós csomagról született megállapodást), (Il-baġit tal-UE: Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea tilqa' l-ftehim dwar pakkett ta' EUR 1.8 triljun biex jgħin fil-bini ta' Ewropa aktar ekoloġika, aktar diġitali u aktar reżiljenti), (EU-begroting: Europese Commissie ingenomen met akkoord over pakket van 1,8 biljoen euro dat een groener, digitaler en veerkrachtiger Europa tot stand helpt brengen), (Budżet UE: Komisja Europejska z zadowoleniem przyjmuje porozumienie w sprawie pakietu o wartości 1,8 bln euro, który pomoże w budowie bardziej ekologicznej, cyfrowej i odpornej Europy), (Bugetul UE: Comisia Europeană salută acordul privind pachetul în valoare de 1,8 mii de miliarde EUR care va contribui la construirea unei Europe mai verzi, mai digitale și mai reziliente), (Rozpočet EÚ: Európska komisia víta dohodu o balíku v objeme 1,8 bilióna eur, ktorý pomôže vybudovať zelenšiu, digitálnejšiu a odolnejšiu Európu), (Proračun EU: Evropska komisija pozdravlja dogovor o svežnju v vrednosti 1,8 bilijona evrov, ki bo pomagal zgraditi bolj zeleno, bolj digitalno in odpornejšo Evropo), (EU:n talousarvio: Euroopan komissio on tyytyväinen sopimukseen 1,8 biljoonan euron paketista, jolla tuetaan vihreämmän, digitaalisemman ja kestävämmän Euroopan rakentamista), (EU:s budget: EU-kommissionen välkomnar överenskommelsen om ett paket på 1,8 biljoner euro som ska bidra till att bygga ett grönare, mer digitalt och mer motståndskraftigt Europa), (Часът на Европа: възстановяване и подготовка за следващото поколение), (El momento de Europa: reparar los daños y preparar el futuro para la próxima generación), (Chvíle pro Evropu: náprava škod a příprava na příští generaci), (Et vigtigt øjeblik for Europa: Genopretning og forberedelser til den næste generation), (Mitteilung - Die Stunde Europas – Schäden beheben und Perspektiven für die nächste Generation eröffnen), (Euroopa võimalus: parandame vead ja teeme ettevalmistusi järgmise põlvkonna jaoks), (Η ώρα της Ευρώπης: ανασύνταξη και προετοιμασία για την επόμενη γενιά), (Communication: L'heure de l'Europe: réparer les dommages et préparer l'avenir pour la prochaine génération), (Europa na djelu: oporavak i priprema za sljedeću generaciju), (Il momento dell'Europa: riparare i danni e preparare il futuro per la prossima generazione), (Eiropas lielā stunda – jāatjaunojas un jāsagatavo ceļš nākamajai paaudzei), (Proga Europai atsigauti ir paruošti dirvą naujai kartai), (Európa nagy pillanata: Helyreállítás és felkészülés – a jövő generációért), (Il-mument tal-Ewropa: Tiswija u Tħejjija għall-Ġenerazzjoni li Jmiss), (Het moment van Europa: herstel en voorbereiding voor de volgende generatie), (Decydujący moment dla Europy: naprawa i przygotowanie na następną generację), (A Hora da Europa: Reparar os Danos e Preparar o Futuro para a Próxima Geração), (Acum este momentul Europei: să reparăm prejudiciile aduse de criză și să pregătim viitorul pentru noua generație), (Správny čas pre Európu: náprava škôd a príprava budúcnosti pre ďalšie generácie), (Čas za Evropo: obnova in priprava za naslednjo generacijo), (Euroopan h-hetki: korjaamalla ja kehittämällä parempaa seuraavalle sukupolvelle), (EU vid ett vägskäl – bygga upp och bygga nytt för nästa generation), (Бюджетът на ЕС осигурява ресурс за плана за възстановяването на Европа), (El presupuesto de la UE: motor del plan de recuperación para Europa), (Rozpočet EU, který je motorem evropského plánu na podporu oživení), (EU-budgettet som drivkraft bag genopretningsplanen for Europa), (Der EU-Haushalt als Motor für den Europäischen Aufbauplan), (ELi eelarve, mis toetab Euroopa majanduse taastekava), (Ο προϋπολογισμός της ΕΕ τροφοδοτεί το σχέδιο ανάκαμψης για την Ευρώπη), (Le budget de l’Union: moteur du plan de relance pour l’Europe), (Proračun EU-a za provedbu europskog plana oporavka), (Il bilancio dell'UE come motore del piano per la ripresa europea), (ES budžets - Eiropas atveseļošanas plāna dzinējspēks), (ES biudžetas Europos ekonomikos gaivinimo planui įgyvendinti), (Uniós költségvetés – az európai helyreállítási terv motorja), (Il-baġit tal-UE jmexxi l-pjan ta' rkupru għall-Ewropa), (De EU-begroting als drijvende kracht achter het herstelplan voor Europa), (Um orçamento da UE que potencia o plano de recuperação da Europa), (Un buget al UE care capacitează puterea de acțiune a planului de redresare pentru Europa), (Rozpočet EÚ umožňujúci realizáciu plánu obnovy Európy), (Proračun EU kot gonilo načrta okrevanja za Evropo), (EU:n talousarvio Euroopan elpymissuunnitelman moottorina), (EU-budgeten som motor i den europeiska återhämtningsplanen), (2020 Adjusted Commission Work Programme), (Adjusted Commission Work Programme 2020 - Annexes), Commission proposal for a new long-term EU budget and recovery plan, EU’s next long-term budget & NextgenerationEU - Key facts and figures, Questions and Answers on the agreement on the €1.8 trillion package to help build greener, more digital and more resilient Europe, EU budget: European Commission welcomes agreement on €1.8 trillion package to help build greener, more digital and more resilient Europe, Communication: Europe’s moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation, Communication: The EU budget powering the recovery plan for Europe, Commission Staff Working Document: Identifying Europe's recovery need, Adjusted Commission Work Programme 2020 - Annexes, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, commission_proposal_for_a_new_long-term_eu_budget_and_recovery_plan, Financing the EU long-term budget and NextGenerationEU, A clear roadmap towards new sources of revenue to help repay the borrowing, Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Fund for Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD), grants allocation per Member State (2018 prices), MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of Cohesion Policy allocations per Member State (2018 prices), MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of Cohesion Policy allocations per Member State (current prices), MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of direct payments (within EAGF) per Member State (current prices), MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development per Member State (MFF only, current prices), Learn about the tendering process and opportunities for doing business with the European Commission, proposal for the EU’s next long-term budget, the temporary recovery instrument NextGenerationEU.