Yugoslavia, Great Britain, Inflorescence drooping, with just 3 flowers or with as many as 7. (2020), 'Tilia platyphyllos' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/tilia/tilia-platyphyllos/). Austria, Selected by the Guillot-Bourne nursery, Jarcieu, France before 2012, and quite widespread in the European trade (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; Guillot-Bourne 2020; van den Berk Nurseries 2020). Origin unrecorded, but there may be a clue in the name; introduced before 1991 (Hillier Nurseries 1991) and still in the European nursery trade. A few large old trees with a slight tendency to weep, such as the one in the Lower Garden at Knightshayes, Devon, 28 m, dbh 144 cm in 2017 (Tree Register 2018), may also represent this cultivar but are not obviously grafted. Floral bracts 6–11 × 1.1–2.2 cm, sometimes downy. vitifolia (Host) Simonkai. Tilia platyphyllos belongs to the Flowering Plants group. Scopoli’s specific epithet of 1771, from the Greek platys (broad) and phyllon (a leaf), reflects the usually larger leaves of T. platyphyllos, which are downy at least in familiar western European forms. It is unclear whether the earlier but less familiar name ‘Pyramidalis’ should be used, due to ambiguity around that name (Santamour & McArdle 1985; Jacobson 1996). Albania, Tilia platyphyllos Scop.. Large-leaved lime. An ancient stool of Tilia platyphyllos near Colesbourne in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds. Found as a witch’s broom in an old tree at the Belvedere, Prague Castle (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Large-leaved lime is one of the parents of the natural hybrid Tilia × europaea, which is widely cultivated and used as a street tree. Beskrivelse Tilia platyphyllos 'Örebro' A slow-growing Swedish cultivar with a regular, closed, narrow, pyramidal crown that reaches a height of 15 - 18 m. The lateral branches grow steeply ascending at first and after about 10 years they bend, forming an ovoid crown. Data retrieved on: 26 May 2019 Danihelka J., Chrtek J. Jr. & Kaplan Z. Its range extends further south than that of T. cordata, but less far north and east.It is a more upland species than T. cordata, associated with calcareous soils, but despite their habitat and morphological differences Linnaeus failed to distinguish between the two western European species and their hybrid (Pigott 2012). One extreme form of this variant is ‘Tiltstone Filigree’ with remarkably deeply cut leaves; its habit is neat and narrow. It originated in Europe before 1838, and was in the North American trade by 1853 (Jacobson 1996; Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). It is in the European trade, and was propagated commercially in North America by 1959, when the Arnold Arboretum acquired a specimen (88 cm dbh in 2019 – Arnold Arboretum 2020). Ideal for a specimen tree or also commonly used for pleaching. Food. August 2020. Grown in Germany since at least the mid-19th centuty, it has been quite widely planted in the United Kingdom; one had reached 14.5 m, dbh 64 cm by 2017 at Writtle College, Essex (Tree Register 2018). It produces intensely fragrant, yellow flowers in June and July and is, perhaps, the most fragrant of its species. Distribution  Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czechia Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Luxembourg North Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Poland mountains in the south Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain mountains in the north and east Sweden SE coast, one site Switzerland Turkey Ukraine mountains in the south-west United Kingdom England and Wales (rare). Big Bugger. This graceful Broad-leaved Lime at Knightshayes in Devon may possibly have been planted as the clone 'Pendula'. Spain, Of unknown origin, it was grown at Kew Gardens by 1894 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Twigs 2–4 mm thick, often hairy and often reddish in sun. Height up to approx. & Sutton, J. Red-twigged forms occur widely in wild populations. These distinctions are of marginal horticultural significance. Rasprostranjenost: Kod nas velelisna lipa raste u šumi lipe i tise, u reliktnoj zajednici sjeverozapadnoga dijela Hrvatske, a pridolazi u pojasu brdske budove šume (Medvednicca, Kalnik, Ivančica, Macelj, Samoborska gora, sjeverni dio Gorskoga kotara). NÖ-Naturdenkmal KO-025 2 Sommerlinden sl1.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 5.62 MB Flowers: Flowers are fragrant, borne in groups of 2-6, and bisexual, with five free sepals and five free, yellowish petals. Still propagated commercially in Europe; ‘Delft’ is similar (van den Berk Nurseries 2020). It is in flower from June to July, and the seeds ripen in October. TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS ZELZATE ® | INNOCENTI & MANGONI PIANTE. The heavy lateral Related Links. Flowers large (12–17 mm diameter), saucer-shaped. Image from Stuppy & Kesseler©Papadakis Publisher. Tilia grandifolia Ehrh. © Copyright 2017 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. The latinized cultivar name is probably invalid (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). While admitting that they are points in a continuum, Pigott (2012) adopts three of these. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (2012). Media in category "Tilia platyphyllos" The following 140 files are in this category, out of 140 total. Slow growing, with a small crown. Yellow twigs from above the graft, on the squirrel's side of the tree, contrast with red ones from below it, on the champion Golden-twigged Lime in Alexandra Park, Hastings, East Sussex. Synonyms Tilia platyphyllos 'Corallina' Family Malvaceae Genus Tilia are deciduous trees with broadly ovate or heart-shaped leaves and pendulous clusters of fragrant yellow-green flowers, followed by conspicuous winged fruits Details 'Rubra' is a large vigorous deciduous tree of rather erect habit, the twigs reddish in winter. Published on the Internet http://www.kew.org/herbcat [accessed on Day Month Year]'. The tree in the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Hampshire, 16 m, dbh 72 cm in 2017 (Tree Register 2018), hardly deserved the epithet ‘weeping’. It is beneficial in the treatment of diseases involving sweating for relief including Cold, Fever etc. A few old examples are immense. They include: ‘Barocco’ (A. Charlier, Belgium, pre-2005; variably cut leaves (les Jardins du Florilege 2020), some yellow spotting; ‘Capricio’ (Charlier, pre-2005, relatively large leaves); ‘Eniapseth’, (Charlier pre-2010, with slight variegation); ‘Erkegem’, (found at the Chateau d’Erkegem in Belgium, 1989; creamy-white variegation; possibly T. cordata misidentified); ‘Henryk’ (Bronislaw Szmit, Poland pre-1998; from a witch’s broom; dwarf and somewhat weeping – Szkółka Szmit 2020); ‘Mercedes’ (Charlier, pre-2010, weak, unstable variegation); ‘Pepi’ (De Martelaer, Netherlands, pre-2010; from a witch’s broom on ‘Laciniata’, dwarf with drooping red shoots; sold top grafted on 1m stem – De Martelaer Jo Nursery 2020)​​​​​​); ‘Stephanie’ (Charlier, pre-2010; variegated, with irregular yellow central zone). At any rate, red winter twigs and an upright habit in youth are common to most typical Broad-leaved Limes in Britain (O. Johnson, pers. A nagylevelű hárs (Tilia platyphyllos) a mályvafélék (Malvaceae) családjába tartozó hárs nemzetség egyik, a Kárpát-medencében is honos faja.. Elterjedése, élőhelye. ex W.D.J.Koch) Hoffm. It was spotted and propagated by Donovan Caldwell Leaman at Caldwell and Sons Nurseries, Cheshire some time before the nurseries closed in 1992 (Leaman 2019); one of the two original plants, donated to the Thorp Perrow Arboretum in North Yorkshire, was 8 m, dbh 13 cm in 2019 (Tree Register 2019). Narrow crowned, unusual in its late, reddish-brown autumn colour; low susceptibility to red spider mite is claimed. Overview: Large-leaved lime trees grow up to 35 m tall, with grey, finely fissured or ribbed bark. Cut-leaved forms are discussed under ‘Laciniata’, and very dwarf forms under ‘Compacta’. Many cultivars have been named, almost all in Europe: Jablonski & Plietzsch (2013, 2014) provide a thorough checklist. The summer linden has a broad, ovoid to round crown and a rounded top. Origine: Europa, Caucaso, Asia Minore. It is also frequently planted in parks and gardens. C.D. Seeds are dried, packaged and stored at a sub-zero temperature in our seed bank vault. Kubát et al. Tilia cordata Miller, Tilia platyphyllos Scop., Tilia x Buds with 3 exposed scales (2 in subsp. The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2020. Image Owen Johnson. This plant has no children Legal Status. Tilia platyphyllos M.Bieb. Kew Species Profiles Accessed 2021-01-04. Transcaucasus, Although less commonly planted in Britain than T. × europaea, this is a shapely, characterful tree, which does not produce masses of epicormic shoots (Bean 1981). SynonymsTilia vitifolia HostTilia platyphyllos var. comm. Iran, All European species of Tilia are interfertile, meaning they can breed with each other, and natural hybrids are common, leading to difficulties in their identification. Selected by the Konrad Herz nursery, Germany before 2007 and still available commercially in central Europe. Introduced by the Ton van den Oever nursery, Netherlands in 2002 and still commercially available in Europe (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; Guillot-Bourne 2020). Tilia platyphyllos 'Laciniata' A Dutch selection with a compact manner of growth and an ovoid to pyramidal crown with a flattened top. The wood is strong but prone to decay when damp, so has limited use as a building material. Germany, Tilia platyphyllos. říše Plantae - rostliny » oddělení Magnoliophyta - rostliny krytosemenné » třída Rosopsida - vyšší dvouděložné rostliny » řád Malvales - slézotvaré » čeleď Malvaceae - slézovité » rod Tilia … ‘Filicifolia Nova’ is (or was) a variant whose leaves tend to be less deeply dissected (Bean 1981), while those of ‘Aspleniifolia Nova’ are described as more deeply cut. Similar Images . platyphyllos Scop., Tilia x vulgaris Heyne or their mixtures, flos . from Mediterranean Europe and Turkey. Introduced by the De Martelaer nursery, Belgium, before 2005 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; New Plants and Flowers 2015). As with the specimens down the Avenue at Pershore, they can easily be pollarded back to a core set of branches each spring, giving a really pleasing effect. cordifolia (Besser) C.K. Specimens of the wood and bark of large-leaved lime are held in Kew's Economic Botany Collection in the Sir Joseph Banks Building, where they are available to researchers by appointment. Petiole sometimes with simple hairs. – largeleaf linden Subordinate Taxa. While examples in cultivation are propagated by grafting or layering (Bean 1981), whether or not they represent a single clone is a moot point. An example in the Dell at Tortworth Court, Gloucestershire was 22 m, dbh 60 cm in 2015 (The Tree Register 2018). A largely columnar tree, whose rounded-to-largely ovate, dark-green leaves which are of a lighter shade on the underside, turn yellow in autumn. cordifolia (Besser) C.K.Schneid. corinthiaca), glabrous. Habitat Woodland, mostly on calcareous soils, to 1500 m. Tilia platyphyllos is a widespread and familiar species in Europe. TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS | INNOCENTI & MANGONI PIANTE. European Lime. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. The vast majority are selected for crown form, especially for strongly ascending branches, leading to relatively narrow crown in youth. Final . General information about Tilia platyphyllos (TILPL) Central and southern Europe. It is a popular domestic remedy for a number of ailments. Retrieved from "https://species.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tilia_platyphyllos_subsp._platyphyllos&oldid=7094615" The heavy lateral branches are usually found low on the trunk. obs. 2020). Each flower has numerous stamens (male parts) that are more or less fused into five bundles. Narrow-crowned when young. 20 m. The trunk is light grey and later grooved. It is noted for attracting wildlife. 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It reduces Nasal Congestion, Throat Irritation and Cough. obs.). For copyright and licence information, see the Licence page. Narrow-crowned, at least in youth, with ascending branches. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. pseudorubra C.K. Tilia platyphyllos 'Rubra' has reddish twigs in winter and has been given an Award of Garden Merit (AGM) by the Royal Horticultural Society. Latinski naziv: Tilia platyphyllos Scop. In Ireland, where it is not native, a tree in parkland at Grove House, Co. Tipperary was 41.5 m tall in 2000 (Tree Register 2018). A stone at the latter’s base claims that it was planted in 760 CE (monumentaltrees.com 2018). Leaves:  Leaves are usually 6-12 cm long and hairy on the underside, especially on the veins, and have a sharply toothed margin and heart-shaped base. ): this is not a very showy clone and unless new growth is regularly encouraged by pruning, it can be very dull indeed. Tutin, T.G. Image Owen Johnson. A lot of root suckers usually grow from the lower trunk. in Europe. As the common name suggests, it is noted for its big leaves (leaves are larger than those of littleleaf linden). Based on Article 16d(1), Article 16f and Article 16h of D irective 2001/83/EC as amended (traditional use) Final . Tilia platyphyllos. Image Owen Johnson. As with other limes, variegated cultivars tend not to persist in cultivation; this is certainly the case in ‘Albo-Marginata’ (white margins, pre-1903), but some extant cut-leaved clones are variegated (discussed under ‘Laciniata’). Herbal substance(s) (binomial scientific name of the plant, including plant part) vulgaris. The name ‘Aspleniifolia Variegata’ is used for these trees by the Tree Register of Ireland, but the original source of this name is unknown. Tilia platyphyllos (large-leaved lime or large-leaved linden) is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae (Tiliaceae). A nagylevelű hárs (Tilia platyphyllos) bemutatása, gondozása A nagylevelű hárs (Tilia platyphyllos) kb. Davis, P.H. This one is in a field in Hertfordshire. Its range extends further south than that of T. cordata, but less far north and east. A slow-growing, bushy dwarf, originating in the Netherlands around 1925 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; Geers. Dirr (2009) was unable to find the species, or any of its cultivars in recent American nursery catalogues. Bize nasıl ulaşabilirsiniz Each flower has a single, hairless style (female part). ‘Handsworth’ (Bean 1981) and ‘Mayday’ (Netherlands, 2011 – Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013) also have yellow twigs. Italy, A fourth, subsp. Regular, narrow crown, freely flowering. A compact form, which is quite widespread in the European trade, apparently normally offered top-grafted to give a standard with a small ball-shaped crown. A young tree grows in the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Hampshire (Tree Register 2018). See Kew's Seed Information Database for further information on Tilia platyphyllos seeds. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, Kew Science Photographs Lime trees have fragrant flowers that are visited by bees. A form with drooping branches, perhaps old but of uncertain origin (Santamour & McArdle 1985). Turkey, Fruit 9–12 × 8–10 mm, obovoid, with 5 ribs, covered in dense white tomentum; wall thick and woody (Pigott 2012). (1968). Foliage on a recently planted Tilia platyphyllos Laciniata Group, growing in the Trädgårdsföreningen (Horticultural Society Gardens) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, Kew Species Profiles After one year, twigs are hairy and bright green, becoming bare in the winter. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/ The distribution range of the tree is more limiting than the very similar small-leaved lime. A variant in Irish Gardens was described by Alan Mitchell (Mitchell 1974) as both cut-leaved and variegated; one was recorded by Mitchell at the Westonbirt National Arboretum as 15 m, dbh 32 cm in 1967 (Tree Register 2018). Bigger Bugger. Vigorous, narrow-crowned in youth. Tilia platyphyllos … Czechoslovakia, Marginal teeth with short mucronate tips 0.4–1 mm long. Trees from the Mediterranean edge are least hairy. The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2020. It is a more upland species than T. cordata, associated with calcareous soils, but despite their habitat and morphological differences Linnaeus failed to distinguish between the two western European species and their hybrid (Pigott 2012). There are currently no active references in this article. corinthiaca (Bosc ex K. Koch) Pigott, is endemic to the Peloponnese and somewhat more distinct, with essentially glabrous leaves and thin-walled, spindle shaped fruits. The dissected foliage of the Cut-leaved Lime gives the summer crown a special delicacy. It seems to have been associated with monasteries and convents in central Europe, and attracts legends linking the leaf with the monks’ cowls (Ješetová 2020). Corse, Similar sports occur in several lime species Pigott (2012) but this is the only named form, and the only one to have been planted at all widely. ‘Dimond’ and ‘Moylinny’ were found in a nursery in Moylinny, Co. Antrim, by P.W.J. A curiosity with twisted young shoots, sometimes forming loops. Tilia platyphyllos is commonly called bigleaf linden. An extraordinary form in which at least some leaves have their sides joined at the base, to resemble a pitcher (Elwes & Henry 1913). Flora Europaea 2: 1-469. Dense, compact, ovoid crown, consistent growth rate; an important commercial clone for street planting. ‘Örebro’ is similar (van den Berk Nurseries 2020). Various forms with dissected leaves belong here (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013); we discuss them collectively since many are not individually named, some names and clones are not clearly distinguished, and none are at all common. Its wild origin is unclear, but it seems likely that this would have been a clone passed vegetatively between monastic sites – a cultivar. It has young brown-reddish branches. ex W.D.J.Koch Tilia hostii Opiz, 1852 Tilia platyphyllos f. aurea (Loudon) Rehder Homonyms Tilia platyphyllos Scop. Two hollow pollards grow in parkland on limestone at Downton Castle, Herefordshire; the larger was measured at 2.86 m dbh in 2012. Piggott: Tree bark: Bark of a 270 year old tree in an avenue, Uckfield, Sussex, England, UK. Tilia platyphyllos is a deciduous Tree growing to 30 m (98ft) by 20 m (65ft) at a medium rate. Despite the common name, lime trees (of the genus Tilia) are not related to the citrus fruit we know as a lime. 30-35méteres maximális magasságot elérő, lombhullató fa, mely Közép és Dél-Európa, valamint a Kaukázus területéről származik. It was found in a batch of layered trees, given to the Royal Horticultural Society’s garden in Chiswick in 1888 (Bean 1981; Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013), and grafted at Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, where material traceable to the original still grows (1972.12987; 21 m, dbh 58 cm in 2010 – Tree Register 2018); it is no longer a striking plant. Large-leaved lime is cultivated as an ornamental in parks and gardens, although not as commonly as Tilia × europaea (common lime). Another variant has very broad, fasciated, yellow major veins to its twisted and shredded leaves; a tree planted in the mid-20th century by the late Maurice Mason at Talbot Manor in Norfolk was 12 m, dbh 37 cm in 2008, and there was a much younger 8 m example at Common Farm, Semer, Suffolk, in 2016 (Tree Register 2018). Other more or less dwarf clones include ‘Belvedere’ and ‘Pannonia’ (q.v.). A form with blue-green twigs and leaves bluish underneath, represented by an old tree in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (19699330*A; 21 m, dbh 73 cm in 2014 – Tree Register 2018) It has had at least a small distribution, having once been listed by Kris Michielsen in Belgium (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Főképpen Közép- és Dél-Európában elterjedt faj. C.D. A well-known name in cultivation, ‘Rubra’ has red winter twigs and was recorded in cultivation by 1770 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Add to Likebox #72294496 - Old big linden tree closeup. Lime wood is pale and soft and cuts cleanly; it has been used by wood-carvers since the Middle Ages. Selected in the Netherlands before 1980, and still commercially available in Europe (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; van den Berk Nurseries 2020). Tilia E. Eaton, G. Caudullo, D. de Rigo Tilia cordata Mill., known as small-leaved lime, and Tilia platyphyllos Scop., known as large-leaved lime, are very similar trees, both native to Europe and preferring warmer climates. A ‘vine-leaved’ lime with weakly three- or five-lobed leaves, resembling those of Tilia mongolica but considerably larger. Tilia platyphyllos subsp. Probably introduced early to North American cultivation, Jacobson (1996) notes that it has long been common, although usually sold as T. × europaea; he records a 29 m tall (1987) specimen in Washington State. A very slow-growing, compact, shrubby Czech selection, reaching around1.5 m height and spread (Bluebell Arboretum and Nursery 2020). Switzerland, A Dutch selection made in 1956 from a city planting in Delft, and sold from the Alphons van den Bom nursery, Oudenbosch from 1965 (Santamour & McArdle 1985; Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Tilia platyphyllos 'Aurea' Quick Glance. Tilia platyphyllos Scop. The large-leaved lime, though, reaches slightly further south and is rarely found in Northern Europe. The clone is still in the nursery trade. France, Wetland Status. The common nameslargeleaf linden and large-leaved linden are in standard use throughout the English-speaking world except in the British Isles, where it is known as large-leaved lime. There are a number of other 20th- and 21st-century cultivars, mostly Belgian, within Laciniata Group (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). The summer linden has a broad, ovoid to round crown and a rounded top. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/ : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (2001) Featured: Lysimachia arvensis Common NamesGolden-twigged LimeGoldtwig Linden. Many of the ancient village limes of central Europe belong to Tilia platyphyllos. ‘Laciniata’ is the most widely used name; perhaps a single clone; it was in cultivation (origin unknown) by 1844 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013). Schneid. Bulgaria, Dimond around 1982 (Santamour & McArdle 1985); both clones had grown to 3 m tall at the Castlewellan National Arboretum in Co. Down by 2015 (Tree Register 2018). This is another old clone, sold by the Baumann Brothers Nursery in France from 1838, but most authorities follow Bean (1981) in presuming that the cultivar commonly planted in gardens through the 20th century is ‘Laciniata’. For information about how you could sponsor this page, see How You Can Help. & al. Aberglasney Garden, Carmarthenshire. Similar Images . Hosszú életű fa, Európa szerte élnek 1000évesnél ‘Cucullata’ represents a little known mutant leaf form. Young leaves yellow, turning green later, crown narrow in youth. Pressed and dried specimens of Tilia platyphyllos are held in Kew's Herbarium, where they are available to researchers by appointment. Narrow-crowned, with leaves staying green late into autumn. A Kárpát-medencében jellegzetesen elegyfa, amely főleg gyertyános-tölgyesekben és ártéri ligeterdőkben gyakori. Status: scarce Typically this species occurs as a large tree or coppice stool in old woodland, where it is usually associated with a mixed canopy of Acer campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus robur, Taxus baccata and Ulmus glabra, with the field layer dominated by Mercurialis perennis (Rodwell 1991a). Romania, Leaves 6–11 × 6-10 cm, suborbicular and often with drooping sides; upper surface dark green, slightly rugose and sometimes with a sparse cover of simple hairs; underside mid-green, often with a cover of simple hairs and always with small denser patches of brownish hairs under the vein axils. Of uncertain Hungarian origin, sold as a street tree by some large European tree nurseries around 2010 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013), but now not or scarcely in commerce. The example in the 1890’s lime collection at Alexandra Park, Hastings, East Sussex (107 cm dbh in 2016 – Tree Register 2018) was only recognised as this cultivar (and as a grafted tree) after it was cut back and the vigorous sprouts from above the graft provided a contrast in colour to those from below it (O. Johnson, pers. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership aims to save plant life worldwide, focusing on plants under threat and those of most use in the future. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 2: 1-581. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0, © Copyright Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. Younger plantings of Tilia platyphyllos typically make very neat parabolic domes and may represent the old variant 'Rubra'. Tilia platyphyllos Name Synonyms Tilia grandifolia (Ehrh. Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, Kew Backbone Distributions An older clone, narrow-crowned (at least in youth) with steeply ascending branches (Bean 1981; van den Berk Nurseries 2020). Greece, Selected by M. Barabits, Hungary, and first sold by the Bömer nursery, the Netherlands, around 1985 (Jablonski & Plietzsch 2013; Bruns Pflanzen-Export 2020). Lacking stellate hairs on the undersides of the leaves, T. platyphyllos is placed in Section Anastraea. Tree. The most widespread of these are discussed below, but others might be encountered, including ‘Agnes’ (Hungary, by 2012), ‘Fenris’ (Denmark, post-1990), ‘K3’ (Hungary, around 1990), ‘Kamminga’ (Netherlands, by 2012), ‘Kavaleren’ (Netherlands, pre-2005), ‘Louisa Point’ (Netherlands, 1990), ‘Louisa Victory Fist’ (Netherlands, 1990), ‘Maraczi’ (Hungary, before 2012), ‘Paul Kruger’ (Netherlands, 1959), ‘Sargavesszejû’ (Poland, by 2012), ‘Zetten’ (Netherlands, 1992). Image Tom Christian. (eds.) Lime flowers are a rich source of nectar and attract bees, wasps, flies and moths. As a vigorous, tough, clean-limbed tree with scented flowers opening quite early in the season, Broad-leaved Lime has long been planted as an ornamental across the British Isles. Image Owen Johnson. When in flower the bracts almost exceed the foliage in coverage of the tree, making it look quite pale. Caratteristiche botaniche: La Tilia platyphyllos è un grande albero a foglia caduca, può raggiungere i 40 metri di altezza, con chioma da largamente colonnare a arrotondata espansa.Corteccia grigio scura con strette fenditure.