Invitamos a la población a seguir informada y tomar medidas de prevención", "1st Confirmed Case of Coronavirus in NH", "CDC Announces Additional COVID-19 Infections", "Parson: St. Louis County woman is Missouri's first positive case of coronavirus", "Uruguay announces first four confirmed cases of coronavirus – ministry", "Confirmaron primeros 4 casos de coronavirus en Uruguay; todos habían regresado de Italia", "Régimen de Maduro confirma dos primeros casos de coronavirus", "Operational Headquarters: Two more Azerbaijani citizens who arrived from abroad infected with coronavirus", "First 3 cases of coronavirus reported in Bangladesh", "Two fresh cases of coronavirus detected in India; one in Delhi, another in Telangana", "Coronavirus India Live Updates: Italian tests positive for coronavirus in Jaipur", "Coronavirus Live Updates: Italian tourist's wife tests positive, number of cases rises to 7", "28 confirmed cases of coronavirus in India, GoM to meet today: Health minister Harsh Vardhan", "29th coronavirus case in India: After 15 Italian tourists, Paytm employee tests positive for Covid-19", "5 Of Family in Kerala Get Coronavirus, 39 Cases in India: 10 Points", "Israeli Who Visited Italy Tests Positive for Coronavirus", "Israeli who returned from Italy diagnosed with coronavirus: ministry", "El Al suspends all flights to Italy and Thailand over coronavirus fears", "Health Ministry confirms second case of coronavirus in Israel", "イタリアからの帰国者、初のコロナ感染確認 都内で入院 ("Returnee from Italy tests positive for coronavirus; in hospital in Tokyo")", "Jordan announces first coronavirus case from Italy", "After week-long lull, Malaysia records three new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours", "Maldives confirms first two coronavirus cases; two resort islands locked down", "One new case of coronavirus reported in Oman", "Saudi Arabia announces 17 new cases of coronavirus", "First Sri Lankan coronavirus patient in the country identified", "Cyclists await test results after coronavirus hits UAE Tour", "COVID-19 au Vietnam : un 17ème cas confirmé à Hanoi", "Konfirmohen dy rastet e para me koronavirusin e ri", "Informacion i përditësuar për Koronavirusin COVID_19", "Andorra registra su primer caso de coronavirus", "Coronavirus: Zwei Fälle in Tirol bestätigt", "Coronavirus news: Austria and Croatia report first cases as Tenerife quarantines hotel – live updates", "Austria's 2 coronavirus cases are Italian citizens", "Austria seals off Innsbruck hotel after reporting first two coronavirus cases", "Coronavirus: Drei bestätigte Fälle in Wien", "Dritter bestätigter Coronavirus-Fall in Wien –", "Infektion in Steiermark: Bereits sieben bestätigte CoV-Fälle", "Six coronavirus cases in Belarus – ministry", "Six coronavirus cases confirmed in Belarus – – Hot news from Armenia", "Bosnia Confirms Two Coronavirus Cases, Expects More", "Coronavirus latest news: Britons returning from Italy told to self-isolate as Matt Hancock says he is 'worried, "U Rijeci potvrđen treći slučaj koronavirusa u Hrvatskoj", "Hospital close to shutdown after doctor with virus treated patients (Update 5)", "Koronavirus: 32 případů, kontroly na hranicích i omezení v domovech seniorů", "Første dansker smittet med coronavirus: 'Vi er selvfølgelig dybt rystede, "En person, der er blevet undersøgt på Rigshospitalet, er det andet bekræftede tilfælde af COVID-19 i Danmark", "Nyt coronatilfælde er en medarbejder på Aarhus Universitetshospital", "Femte og sjette dansker smittet med coronavirus", "Sundhedsminister: Mindst 10 herhjemme er nu smittet med corona", "Second case of coronavirus diagnosed in Estonia", "Third coronavirus case confirmed in Estonia", "Kahel Bergamost naasnud tallinlasel tuvastati koroonaviirus", "Lisandus veel kolm koroonasse nakatunut", "17th person diagnosed with coronavirus in Estonia", "Volley, febbre al termoscanner: Milano-Padova non si gioca", "Koroonaviiruse saanud Saaremaa võrkpallimeeskonna juht: loodan, et see olukord laheneb võimalikult kiiresti", "Number of coronavirus cases in Estonia rises to 692", "Woman in Helsinki tests positive for novel coronavirus", "New coronavirus infection confirmed in Helsinki", "France reports two new coronavirus infections, one returning from Italy", "Direct. On 14 March, the Central African minister of health announced the first confirmed case in the country, a 74-year-old Italian citizen coming from Milan. In Lombardy Cifra, a manufacturer from Verano Brianza specialising in sportswear, also converted its production line. Guida al "coprifuoco" da Coronavirus", "Coronavirus. [218], The Italian Winter Sports Federation decided to proceed with the Women's World Cup alpine skiing races at La Thuile, Aosta Valley on 29 February. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. [537][538][539][540][541], Algeria – [17] In May, many restrictions were gradually eased,[18] and on 3 June freedom of movement across regions and other European countries was restored. Arcuri will cooperate with Commissioner Angelo Borrelli with the aim of strengthening the distribution of intensive care equipment. [130], On 4 November 2020, Prime Minister Conte announced a new lockdown, dividing the country into three zones depending on the severity of the pandemic, corresponding to red, orange and yellow zones. They are native in Fujian and work in Italy. The data on 2020-03-10 does not include cases from the Lombardy region (approx. [699], Moldova – [135] On 18 December, Abruzzo was added to the list of red zones. A case was confirmed as having been imported from Italy. The data on 2020-08-15 on the number of deaths in Emilia-Romagna contains a correction of previously unreported 135 cases that occurred in March, April, and May in the province of Parma. Italy will lock down six regions and prevent many people from crossing between them. [399], On 9 March, Alessia Bonari, a nurse from Grosseto who worked at a hospital in Milan, posted on Instagram stating that she was physically strained from being overworked and was scared to work after treating over 10,000 patients who have tested positive. © Venturi was the regional minister of health until February 2020. ... Sede: via Scuole, 38023 Cles TN Incontri: 1° e 3° lunedì dalle ore 20, escluso luglio e agosto. Scuole dell'infanzia, Primarie, Secondarie, Licei, Istituti Tecnici e Professionali con indirizzo, telefono e Codice Meccanografico. On 6 March, Serbia registered its first case, a 43-year-old man who had been to Budapest and Italy. The man lived in the municipality of Vò, which was put under quarantine. On 2 March, a doctor who had travelled to Northern Italy and became ill on 29 February was confirmed positive at Hospital de São João in Porto. [585][586], Mainland China – Delegato regionale FSFI Giuseppe Vincenzo Badin presso CF Riviera del Brenta, CP 13, 30031 Dolo VE tel. [583], Japan – [275], On 7 April, after more than a month of suspension, the Italian Basketball Federation officially ended the 2019–20 LBA season, without assigning the title. [609], Saudi Arabia – On 27 February, Bavaria confirmed that a man from Middle Franconia tested positive after having contact with an Italian man who later tested positive. On 26 February 2020, a 36-year-old man who had made multiple trips to Lombardy tested positive and was treated at Nouvel Hôpital Civil, Strasbourg. On 28 February, a 36-year-old woman from Athens who had recently travelled to Italy tested positive. [12][13][14] On 11 March 2020, Conte prohibited nearly all commercial activity except for supermarkets and pharmacies. ore 16:00. The majority of confirmed cases in Romania are related to Italy. Ideas for Sport Venues is a collection curated by Divisare. The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was first confirmed to have spread to Italy on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive for the virus. [704], North Macedonia – [34][2] On 2 February, a team from the same institute composed of scientists Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Francesca Colavita, and Concetta Castilletti isolated the genomic sequence of the virus and uploaded it to GenBank. On 9 March 2020, Albania confirmed its first two cases, a father and son, of which, the son had traveled from Florence, Italy. The nation's second and fourth cases were persons who had travelled to Italy. [249][250][251] Two prison agents were assaulted and kidnapped in Pavia. With the aim of reducing consumption of protective equipment, robots were introduced in hospitals in Varese,[458] and remote diagnostics were introduced to monitor home care patients in Lodi. They were quarantined at home in Oslo. [472][469], Some Italian small and medium-sized enterprises partially or totally converted their production to supply personal protective equipment at a local scale. [657][658][659] Of the country's first five cases, two were from Italy, two were from Germany and one was from the UK. [746][747][748] [554], Brazil – [113], On 11 March, it was announced that Juventus and national team footballer Daniele Rugani had tested positive for COVID-19. [675] A 32-year-old man in Heilbronn who was in Milan on 21 February fell ill and was admitted to a hospital. On 11 March a student tested positive after developing fever in Italy. Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation ha la sede principale in Inghilterra sotto la supervisione del GM Chen Zhenglei. Sì al controllo su celle telefoniche ma ci vuole norma, "L'elenco dei comuni in quarantena a causa del coronavirus", "What towns in Italy are on lockdown because of coronavirus? They had both travelled to Bergamo and stayed in Italy for a week in mid-February. [473], In Veneto, Grafica Veneta – the printing company of the Harry Potter books in Italian – started to mass-produce protective masks. [233][234] The same day, the government ruled that all sporting events in Italy would be played behind closed doors until 3 April. : 96049970229 ORARIO DI UFFICIO: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 08.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 15.30 [468], The Economist predicts a 7% GDP decline for Italy in 2020. On 3 March, Estonia confirmed its second case, a patient who had arrived on 29 February from Bergamo and was travelling through Riga Airport. ", "Coronavirus, sempre più paesi sconsigliano i viaggi in Italia: "Una mazzata per il turismo e il pil, "Coronavirus: Lithuania may declare state emergency", "Ingressi vietati, quarantena e invito all'isolamento: le restrizioni imposte agli italiani all'estero", "Joint WHO and ECDC mission in Italy to support COVID-19 control and prevention efforts", "Tenerife hotel on partial lockdown as Italian tests positive for coronavirus", "Parliament tells staff to stay home if they visited places hit by coronavirus", "Coronavirus, il racconto in prima persona di Bartolo: "Io, deputato europeo in quarantena, fuori dal Parlamento, "No coronavirus cases in Malta, Health Ministry says", "New coronavirus advice for Britons back from Italy", "No coronavirus cases in Malta but country is well prepared, say authorities", "Coronavirus: Prague Airport designates special gates for arrivals from Italy", "Letiště Praha má speciální brány pro přílety z Itálie | České", "Coronavirus, dall'Italia si spande in Europa.