Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer: È la montagna che chiama. This proved the correct decision as they managed to reach the lip of the Bazin glacier and then the glacier at 7200m on 20 July. Walter Nones im "Stern"-Interview: "Wir wollten eine neue Route ausprobieren. And it's a happy day for all mountaineers. Go on! The telephone call was short but long enough to understand that Walter and Simon are in good shape and are capable of judged the situation correctly, seeing that they intend to descend according to the plans Karl Unterkircher had announced prior to the departure on his online diary ( Descripción. Le ascensioni di Walter Nones Prediligendo il ghiaccio e il terreno misto, oltre a un grande numero di ripetizioni su classiche dolomitiche del Sesto grado, Walter Nones ha compiuto molte ascensioni alpinistiche sull’arco alpino. Continua il suo lavoro di istruttore e di guida Alpina, si allena e cerca di stare più tempo in famiglia. 24/07/2007. Am 14.07. starteten Karl Unterkicher, Walter Nones und Simon Kehrer ihren Aufstieg. The odyssey which began on 15 July with the death of their climbing partner and leader Karl Unterkircher has finally come to an end. ISBN 978-88-04-58841-2. Nanga Parbat (8.125 m) - Pakistan - Prima ascensione assoluta lungo la parete Rakhiot in stile alpino (cima non raggiunta). El Nanga Parbat ye'l ochomil más occidental del planeta; ta asitiáu na rexón de los Gilgit-Baltistán (antes Territorios del Norte), en Paquistán, al sur del ríu Indo.La diferencia d'altor col fondu del valle, distante namái 25 km, algama alredor de 7.000 metros. Auch Walter Nones sei mit einem Hubschrauber geborgen worden, sagte … Also wurde es der Nanga Parbat. Un'odissea durata dieci giorni sulla parete Rakhiot del Nanga Parbat (8.125 metri slm), Walter Nones e Simon Keher, gli alpinisti altoatesini, hanno … Simon Kehrer und Walter Nones sind in Sicherheit: Neun Tage nach Beginn des Dramas am Nanga Parbat wurden die beiden Bergsteiger mit einem … Der Nanga Parbat bei der FAZ: Hier erhalten Sie ausführliche und aktuelle Nachrichten, Videos und Bilder zum neunthöchste Berg der Erde. ... Dopo l’esperienza vissuta al Nanga Parbat, Walter sente il bisogno di una pausa per ritrovare quel feeling che aveva con la montagna. Even if hearing the voice of Nones, practically live via internet, speaking via satellite phone with the outcome still everything but certain, did not seem correct. Impossibilitati a scendere continuano a salire lungo la linea che insieme a Karl avevano individuato. Die drei Bergsteigerkameraden Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer und Karl Unterkirchner wollten am Nanga Parbat eine neue Route ausprobieren. But Nones and Keher chose otherwise: they descended via the Buhl route, as originally planned. Erleichterung nach dem Drama am Nanga Parbat. So much so that the news arrived directly from Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer themselves. During this moment of great happiness though, the loss of Karl Unterkircher must surely remain at the forefront. Den beiden geretteten Bergsteigern Simon Kehrer und Walter Nones geht es gut. Walter Nones. Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have climbed the Rakhiot Face on Nanga Parbat and have finally managed to contact Base Camp. In all probability will have to descend alone, even if Maurizio Gallo and Silvio Mondinelli will do all they can from below. From there they had two possible lines of descent: either via the line chosen by Hermann Buhl during the first ascent in 1953, or down the "normal" Kinshofer route. Located in the Diamer District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, Nanga Parbat is the western anchor of the Himalayas. MILANO - Sono finalmente al sicuro Walter Nones e Simon Kehrer, i due alpinisti altoatesini bloccati da dieci giorni sulla parete Rakhiot del Nanga Parbat… Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer: Teufelswand: Die Tragödie der Unterkircher-Expedition am Nanga Parbat, Malik, 2010. Once again this decision proved correct: they had previously deposited a camp at 6400m and they had also climbed with skis to facilitate their descent. The name Nanga Parbat is derived from the Sanskrit words nagna and parvata, which, when combined, translate … Walter, in condizioni fisiche migliori, aveva deciso di attrezzare il campo più alto da solo. Another detail worth considering is that high altitude mountaineering has always worked by an unwritten rule: those who climb the highest mountains in the world know they must be self sufficient, because a rescue on these immense mountains is always difficult, if not impossible. American and Iranian expeditions engaged on the Kinshofer had left tents and food to help the Italian climbers. What remains is the memory and pain for the loss of Karl Unterkircher, a man held in high esteem by many. Chiuso il caso di Walter Nones e Simon Kehrer sopravvissuti al Nanga Parbat dopo la morte di Karl Unterchirker, siamo adesso di fronte ad un`altra sciagura himalayana. Today the happy epilogue, in merrely an hour Nones and Kehrer skied down a line which, as things stand, seems independent of the Buhl route. A world which does not appreciate mainstream headline news which, in this case as well, use and abuse the age-old killer mountain Leitmotiv. Den Aufstieg über die Rhakiot-Wand hatte noch keiner gewagt." Nach dem erfolgreichen Abwurf eines Satellitentelefons und einiger Nahrungsmittel stecken die beiden am Nanga Parbat in Not geratenen Walter Nones und Simon Kehrer weiter in der Klemme. Er wollte gemeinsam mit Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer eine Neutour druch die bis dato unbestiegene Wand eröffnen. Nanga Parbat, avvistata la tenda dei due alpinisti. Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer: Teufelswand: Die Tragödie der Unterkircher-Expedition am Nanga Parbat, Malik, 2010.ISBN 3890293786. Weighing up their options, Nones and Kehrer then took their decision: they decided to climb upwards, towards theonly line of escape. But this is nothing new: this is the "game" the mainstream media plays. Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer had managed to get in touch with their families and the death of Unterkircher, an extremely capable Himalayan mountaineer, struck like lightening out of the blue. This is the news that everyone has been waiting for. The two mountaineers have just climbed the Rakhiot Face on Nanga Parbat and tomorrow they will begin their descent via the Buhl, the route first climbed by the great Austrian mountaineer in 1953 during his first ascent of Nanga Parbat. 6 Agosto 2008 Il K2 protagonista di una nuova tragedia . It's highly likely that much will still be said about this turn of events in the mountaineering world. This holds true above all when, as was the case of Unterkicher, Nones and Kehrer, mountaineers plan to climb a virgin face where they are completely alone. For Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer the odyssey has finally come to an end, an odyssey during which, we must repeat, they behaved like expert mountaineers, exiting on their own accord. ISBN 978-88-04-58841-2. After 10 days on Nanga Parbat, Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer managed to descend to 5700m from where they were picked up by a helicopter and safely flown to Base Camp. Karl, assieme a Walter Nones e Simon Kehrer tenterà la scalata della conosciuta parete Rakhiot, sempre su una via ancora inviolata della cima Nanga Parbat 8125 m (Pakistan). A nigh impossible mission, above all because both knew that without proper acclimatisation they would not have been able to climb and help the two mountaineers. Their decision was certainly courageous: it is not easy to be responsible for an operation which has more questions than answers, nor is it easy to say no and wonder whether things could get worse. Il Nanga Parbat fa parte dell'Himalaya, nonostante la maggiore vicinanza a quella dal Karakorum. La spedizione era composta da Karl, Walter Nones ed io. Nanga Parbat, la difficile ritirata di Nones e Kehrer tra rischi e soccorsi. Einzelnachweise Einzelnachweise ↑ Walter Nones dies on Cho Oyu. On hearing the news Agostino da Polenza called Silvio Mondinelli and Maurizio Gallo, asking them to fly to Pakistan's Nanga Parbat. Spedizione al Nanga Parbat 8125 m (Pakistan) Giugno/Luglio 2008. Tomorrow they will descend via the Buhl route. Today there are also several films linked to YouTube. Antarctica: exploration beyond the end of the world with Karpos, Alex Txikon & team sleep in Camp 1 on Manaslu in winter, Alex Txikon & team begin second high rotation on Manaslu, Scarponi Scarpa Donna Freedom SL Numero 24.5, Ski mountaineering in the Antarctic, with Gianluca Cavalli, Manrico Dell'Agnola and Marcello Sanguineti. "Aber Herrn Walter (Nones) in den feindlichen Bedingungen auf dem Nanga Parbat alleine zu lassen wäre nicht angemessen gewesen. Wir flogen und holten auch ihn heraus. Der Nanga Parbat, auch als Diamir bekannt, ... Seine beiden Begleiter Simon Kehrer und Walter Nones kletterten weiter bis zum sogenannten Silberplateau und kehrten über die Buhl-Route zurück. The event which has monopolised the entire Italian media has therefore drawn to a close in the best possible ways. Walter Nones sulla Parete Rakhiot del Nanga Parbat Le ascensioni di Walter Nones Prediligendo il ghiaccio e il terreno misto, oltre a un grande numero di ripetizioni su classiche dolomitiche del Sesto grado, Walter Nones ha compiuto molte ascensioni alpinistiche sull’arco alpino. THE DIARY OF Karl Unterkircher, Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer´s from Base Camp. But it is certainly also a happy day for Maurizio Gallo, Silvio Mondinelli and Agostino Da Polenza who have been relieved of a heavy responsibility. Es ist eine große Freude für mich und meine Kollegen, dass es mir gelang, die beiden Bergsteiger zu retten." Er liebte die Berge und auch der Verlust eines engen Freundes im Sommer 2008 am Nanga Parbat änderte daran nichts. The crampon for extreme mixed and ice climbing.... Top level shoe, with revolutionary concept e materials. Walter and Simon know that they have not been abandoned and this is extremely important psychologically, even though they know full well that their fate lies in their own hands. The only possible ray of hope might come from someone else engaged on the same route or the same face, but even in this case alpinists cannot rely on outside help. Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer: È la montagna che chiama. And Karl Unterkircher, with the final message he left online prior to setting off on his last adventure, can help us in this direction. Con i suoi 8126 metri è la nona montagna della Terra. Yesterday the two finally managed to get in touch via a satellite telephone lowered to them from a helicopter by a team coordinated by Maurizio Gallo and Silvio Mondinelli. All of this is, of course, not new to anyone. But Silvio Mondinelli, the iron man with a heart of gold who has climbed all fourteen 8000ers, has been involved in numerous rescues in the past and is a member of his local mountain rescue service. Der Südtiroler Extrembergsteiger Karl Unterkircher ist während der Besteigung der Rakhiot Wand am 8.125 Meter hohen Nanga Parbat verunglückt. Antarctica: exploration beyond the end of the world with Karpos, Alex Txikon & team sleep in Camp 1 on Manaslu in winter, Alex Txikon & team begin second high rotation on Manaslu, Scarponi Scarpa Donna Freedom SL Numero 24.5, Ski mountaineering in the Antarctic, with Gianluca Cavalli, Manrico Dell'Agnola and Marcello Sanguineti. ISBN 3890293786. The camp was fairly easy to get to and it only took two days. Oktober 2010 ↑ „Können ihn nicht mehr umarmen“ (Südtirol Online) (Memento vom 6. Il telefono satellitare ancora tace, ma per fortuna sono vivi Walter Nones e Simon Kehrer, i due compagni scampati all'incidente che ha inghiottito in un crepac – di Luca Re. Walter Nones sulla Parete Rakhiot del Nanga Parbat. In truth this news has circulated for a couple of days and this once again confirms how difficult, dangerous and “abandoned” these high altitude territories really are. planetmountain, 3. They’ll succeed for themselves, for their families and also for Karl Unterkircher. N ur wenige Stunden nach ihrer Rettung haben die Bergsteiger Simon Kehrer und Walter Nones in einer Internet-Videokonferenz die dramatischen Ereignisse am Nanga Parbat … L’obiettivo principale è però l’inviolata parete Rakhiot del Nanga Parbat. It's an age-old theme, as old as mountaineering itself, but once again climbers have to be strong enough to deal with it and be aware of it, in a matter-of-fact, serene manner. After having overcome the two large crevasses, one of which by abseil, they reached 5700m. Sie wurden am 24. So now, after 10 long days on the wall, they are finally safe in Base Camp. Jetzt lesen und anschauen! Mailand (dpa) - Die Südtiroler Bergsteiger Walter Nones und Simon Kehrer sind nach ihrer spektakulären Rettung vom Nanga Parbat im Himalaya zurück in Italien. Die Krönung der Expedition sollte dann die gemeinsame Abfahrt mit Skiern sein. CAMP ski mountaineering harness Alp Race wins ISPO Gold Award! The recconasaince helicopter flight failed to take off due to the weather and a technical problem. To state that the situation was difficult is somewhat of an understatement, seeing that the mountaineers were engaged on one of the lesser known faces of Nanga Parbat, an 8000m peak infamous for its dangers. Juli aus rund 6000 Metern Höhe durch einen Hubschrauber gerettet. Subscriber to receive the weekly newsletter with all the latest news from, Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route, Portfolio: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route, Gold Card Couloir first ski descent in Canada by Brette Harrington, Christina Lustenberger, Andrew McNab, Light, a film about eating disorders in pro rock climbing by Caroline Treadway, Ski Mountaineering World Cup: Axelle Gachet-Mollaret, Robert Antonioli, Rémi Bonnet win in Verbier, Video: 2015 Salathé Wall Speed record by Alix Morris, Libby Sauter, Mountaineering boots Dolomite Veloce GTX Shoe M, Avalanche backpack for women Ortovox Ascent 28S Avabag, Backcountry skis Scott Superguide Freetour Ski, Mens down jacket K-Performance Summit Down Jacket, Men’s lightweight fleece jacket Lokka Hoodie, Kong and Alp Design, a synergy for the growth of Made in Italy. A 6350 m. Karl perde tragicamente la vita cadendo in un crepaccio, la speranza di Walter e Simon di trovarlo in vita si spegne non appena riescono a raggiungerlo. La tragedia del Nanga Parbat nel racconto dei sopravvissuti Simon Kehrer e Walter Nones, 2009. The fact is that on 18 July Mondinelli and Gallo reached base camp of the Rakhiot face. Speed is now of the essence as the weather worsened today and the forecast for tomorrow is even worse. Having said that, as everyone knows a rescue operation was mounted from Italy. Their climbing partner Karl Unterkircher died on Tuesday night after falling into a crevasse. Leider verunglückte Unterkirchner plötzlich durch den Sturz in eine Gletscherspalte. An event with began on 15 July with the death of Karl Unterkircher, the mountaineer from Val Gardena who fell into a crevasse at circa 6400m while attempting a new route together with Nones and Kehrer up the difficult and dangerous Rakhiot Face on Nanga Parbat, the 9th highest mountain in the world. The crampon for extreme mixed and ice climbing.... Top level shoe, with revolutionary concept e materials. He simply could not say no. La tragedia del Nanga Parbat nel racconto dei sopravvissuti Simon Kehrer e Walter Nones, 2009. 16 luglio 2008, 02:48; Ultime ore sul Nanga Parbat: soccorsi per i due compagni di Unterkircher Nanga Parbat (8125m) Siamo partiti dall' Italia il 7 giugno 2008 dall' Italia. Tien un terrible relieve vertical sobre'l terrén llocal en toes direiciones. What made things even more difficult was the fact that Nones and Kehrer seemed unable to retreat since the section they had just climbed was too dangerous. On 19/07 they organised two helicopter flights and managed to lower a satellite phone, food and gas to the two mountaineers at circa 6800m. After 10 days on Nanga Parbat, of which two blocked at 6600m due to bad weather, the two Italian mountaineers have now managed to ski down to an altitude of 5700m from where they were picked up by helicopter and flown to Base Camp. Tomorrow will be an important day therefore for Walter Nonnes and Simon Kehrer. Jetzt ist der südtiroler Bergsteiger Walter Nones … After 6 days on the wall the hopes that the two will survive are increasing. Neun Tage nach Beginn des Dramas am Nanga Parbat sind die beiden Südtiroler Bergsteiger in Sicherheit. But this is probably just a minor detail. Walter Nones, Simon Kehrer: È la montagna che chiama.La tragedia del Nanga Parbat nel racconto dei sopravvissuti Simon Kehrer e Walter Nones, 2009.ISBN 978-88-04-58841-2. Esperienze Alpinistiche. Just like Maurizo Gallo, the engineer and mountain guide from Padova who is vastly experienced in expedition logistics in Pakistan - one mustn't forget for example that he was one of the first westerners to reach Pakistan after the earthquake in 2005. Subscriber to receive the weekly newsletter with all the latest news from, Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp, Portfolio: Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp, Gold Card Couloir first ski descent in Canada by Brette Harrington, Christina Lustenberger, Andrew McNab, Light, a film about eating disorders in pro rock climbing by Caroline Treadway, Ski Mountaineering World Cup: Axelle Gachet-Mollaret, Robert Antonioli, Rémi Bonnet win in Verbier, Video: 2015 Salathé Wall Speed record by Alix Morris, Libby Sauter, Mountaineering boots Dolomite Veloce GTX Shoe M, Avalanche backpack for women Ortovox Ascent 28S Avabag, Backcountry skis Scott Superguide Freetour Ski, Mens down jacket K-Performance Summit Down Jacket, Men’s lightweight fleece jacket Lokka Hoodie, Kong and Alp Design, a synergy for the growth of Made in Italy. What counts is that at least Walter and Simon are safe. Today is a happy day for everyoine. Nones and Kehrer would have to descend at least 400m, but despite the satellite phone they could not make contact. News of the accident spread like wildfire on Wednesday 16th July. Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have done it! Here a helicopter sent by Gallo and Mondinelli picked them up, helping them avoid the tortuous glacier. E’ un po’ preoccupata, questa volta, la voce che arriva dal Nanga Parbat. In the meantime, confirmation of how dangerous these mountains are has come from the Iranian expedition which reached the summit of Nanga Parbat a few days ago via the Diamir face: they have now launched an official request to help them in their search for high altitude porters lost on the mountain. One thing became clear immediately: a helicopter rescue was out of the question. Passano due anni e il richiamo delle grandi montagne inizia… Il nostro obiettivo sarebbe stata l' inviolata parete Rakhiot sul Nanga Parbat 8125m, uno splendido progetto di Karl Unterkircher. And what remains is the acute awareness of the dangers of this high altitude world, above all when mountaineers attempt to explore those boundaries where risk is no longer manageable, other than by fate. During this entire, terrible ordeal Nones and Kehrer took all the right decisions, enabling them to escape from a truly difficult situation, both psychologically and physically. CAMP ski mountaineering harness Alp Race wins ISPO Gold Award! But bad weather then hampered their plans: on 21 July they were at 7000m, on 22 July at 6600m while on 23 July they remained blocked in their tents. We have been at base camp for several days now, it is positioned between two tongues of ice at about 4000 meters. Nanga Parbat ([naːŋɡa pərbət̪]), known locally as Diamer (دیامر), is the ninth-highest mountain in the world at 8,126 metres (26,660 ft) above sea level. Tra le vie alpinistiche da lui realizzate si possono ricordare: 2008. Ma ancora nessun contatto Calato un sacchetto con un telefono satellitare nei pressi di Walter Nones e … Nones and Kehrer, together with their leader Karl Unterkircher, had probably studied the route well and seeing that they still have their skis they probably still hope for the planned rapid ski descent. Aber China gab uns wegen der Lage in Tibet keine Erlaubnis.